Prank time with Ella Ben and Eli

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Ella prank (cheating prank on Eli)

I was on my bed doing Ella hair when i checked my phone and see their is an article about couple challenges and pranks and one caught my eye cheating prank in front of their kids i raised my eyebrow hmmm well i don't know but i would love to see Eli reaction i smiled soon i send Eli to play with her aunt light when i went to speak to Ben

"Ben i was thinking about we do a prank on Eli"

"Are you sure i mean Eli isn't it the type of girl to handle it"

"She'll be fine plus if she starts crying will stop" he was hesitant but sighed

"Okay" inside our room i changed into a blonde wig and and different clothing i texted light to drop off Eli alone once we heard a knock me and Ben kissed

"D... Daddy" he stopped he turned and we saw Eli in shocked

"E....eli i ..." She drops her head and i see her hands bawled up to fist

"Ben i think..." I whisper before

"How could you" we heard her whisper before she picked her head up and screamed

"How could you mommy loved you and yet you have the decency to cheat on her"

"Eli eli baby" i took the wig of my head

"It's me mommy"

"Mommy" i nod she runs into my arms then she hugged Ben

"I'm sorry daddy"

"No it's okay we should have never pranked you like that princess"

"Prank!" We laughed but she wasn't mad

"I'm happy daddy loves mommy"

Ben (i got another girl pregnant)

"Dont you think Ella is going to go all yandere on you for this" said Evie as i told them the prank he'll do on Ella

"Look when i tell her it all a prank will laugh and that's what matters"

"I don't know Ben your asking for your dick to get cut if you go threw with that" said Light but he knew he would have it under control so i asked Mal which i had to beg her to do the prank with me i knew i owed her big time at my room with Ella she was feeding Valentine when on cue i heard the door knock

"I'll get it" i kissed Ella cheek as she set Valentine in her crib once Mal came in she acted sad and i pretended to be shock

"Hi mal you need something?" Asked Ella but we stayed quite i think Ella got irritated fast

"What's wrong?" She asked a bit louder

"Ben what's going on?" Then she got pissed


"MAL HERE CUASE I GOT HER PREGNANT" i shout her eyes widen then she faints

"Ella! Oh man oh man" i felt her nails digging into my arm

"Ow! Ella!"

"You got MAL PREGNANT WHEN?" she shouts

"I was ...... When i had that meeting with my parents i came to speak to her after and well" she magically chained up mal

"Ella please"

"You you you have two beautiful daughters and an amazing goddess and you go do this" she sneered at me


"huh" she used her power to see if their was some sort of life in mal but nothing then everything goes back to normal and slaps me up side the head

"OW okay i had that one coming"

"You THINK you almost made me kill mal" then she turn to her

"Mal I'm so sorry"

"No it's fine i think the person you want to kill is that one over here" she pointed at me which i looked at Ella and saw that smirk and i knew i was in trouble big tonight and i was stuck on baby duty for the whole week

Eli (boyfriend prank on parents)

I was with my best friend of the isle Grayson hatter his my best friend

"Hey Grayson want to help me prank my mommy and daddy"

"What prank your going to pull on them"

"I have a boyfriend prank" he blushed

"Oh and who is the boy"

"You silly now come on" we go over to my mom and dad room

"Okay Gray now hold my hand" he nods and we walk in together and mom noticed me first

"Awwwwwww Eli hi Gray" dad turned around and saw me and i think he got mad

"Mommy Daddy Gray and i have something to tell you" he nods

"And it is?" Asked dad

"Gray my boyfriend" mom squealed with excitement

"Oh baby"

"No no no no no Eli stand away from Grayson" he pulled me away from Gray

"Ben let them be so what their in love"

"Ella she to young to fall in love she doesn't get it yet"

"Ben your speaking no sense"

"No Ella she still to young to understand"

"Ben don't raise your voice at me so what Ella like Gray let them be"

"I'm not letting this happen"

"Mommy daddy stop it's a prank just a prank" i shout upset

"Darling come here" mom kneel down and hugged me passing as she passed her hand threw my hair dad kneels over to me

"Princess I'm sorry i just" he sighed

"I'm scared that your starting to grow up and won't need me anymore" i hugged him

"I always need you daddy your my hero" they get up

"Now go on a play you two" me and gray nod and leave happily


Once they leave i sighed

"They grow up so fast" said Ben

"Hey she might be growing up but you still have another little girl" we walked over and looked over Valentine sleeping happily

"And i couldn't be happier i can't wait to marry you" he tells me

"Me too my love"

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