Chapter 2: Sybbie

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"What was Ireland like?" I asked Nora, curiously as we walked into the library. We had walked in mostly silence after breakfast, but I couldn't keep my questions contained any longer.

"I don't remember a lot," she answered and we stepped into the library. "I remember bigger things that are more vague." The two off us sat down and Nora grabbed a book from one of the shelves. She opened it as I just sat there thinking.

"Well, what do you remember?" Nora shrugged and thought for a moment.

"I remember it being very green and very cloudy," Nora told me, marking her page with her finger. "I remember the sheep on Dad's farm and that I was terrified of them and the noise they made." I laughed, which caused Nora to as well. Everyone told me I had as they put it an "infectious laugh". They said hearing me laugh, couldn't help but make them laugh.

"You were scared of sheep?" I asked, trying not to burst laughing, but keep my laughter quiet. Nora nodded, smiling herself.

"I know it seems silly," she said. "I remember that I was scared of them for being too big and too loud. I also remember that when I was four, I fell into where we kept the sheep and nearly got trampled by them." By that point, I couldn't hold in any longer.  I burst out laughing and nearly fell out of my chair.

"I'm sorry," I said, pulling myself together. "I just can't believe that you, Nora Branson, the eldest of eight grandchildren, are scared of sheep."

"Was scared and I'm not the eldest, not by blood at least. That's you Sybbie. Grace and I are connected to your other family through marriage and not even then. Tom is only an honorary son," Nora corrected and tucked a piece of her auburn hair behind her ear. I scanned my step sister sitting in her chair, book in hand. Nora was gorgeous, but not in the typical way. Del said that she was the spitting image of her father, accept for one thing. Unlike her parents, Nora had royal purple eyes. This made her beautiful in an interesting way.

"Do you remember anything else about Ireland?" I asked again. I didn't know why, I just wanted to know about this side of me I had no connections to.

"I'm sorry, but no," she told me and went on reading her book. "You know, you could always ask Tom. He left as an adult, so he'd remember more than I would." I stood up quickly and clapped my hands together.

"Oh Nora!" I exclaimed. "You're a genius. I'd never thought to just ask my dad, who is my connection to Ireland in the first place." Nora nodded and smiled, but quickly went back to reading her book. I hugged her and ran out of the library. I looked around hurriedly for Mr. Barrow, but could not seem to find him. Suddenly, I smacked up against the door to the dining room.

"Oh god, Miss Sybbie, are you alright?" Mr. Barrow asked as he helped me off of the ground. I stood up, a little shaky, but otherwise fine.

"I'm fine, thank you Mr. Barrow. You are actually exactly who I was looking for," I told him. "Do you know where my father is at all. I mean I know its a stretch because only we live here, but has he left a message at all?"

"He did, Lady Mary came by this morning, she said that she, Mr. Branson, and Mrs. Branson were going to be in the office until Lady Edith and her family arrive," Mr. Barrow explained. 

"Oh thank you!" I told him, gladly. "If anyone is looking for me, would you tell them that I'm at the agent's office."

"Of course, ma'am," he replied as I dashed off. I grabbed my coat from my bedroom and sprinted out the front door. Making my way through the village, I eventually reached my father's office. I opened up the door and went inside.

"Who's there?" Aunt Mary called from the main area. I walked into the main area and found my father and aunt looking over some plans. My step mother was jotting somethings down in her notebook. 

"It's only me," I said, setting my coat on a table. 

"Sybbie, darling. Come here," my dad said. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He leaned down to kiss my head, but he didn't have to lean to far. "I swear everyday you're getting taller and taller."

"I think I'm done growing, but whatever you say," I joked. 

"Now what do you want?" Aunt Mary asked. 

"Can't I just come because I love all of you," I replied. Aunt Mary shook her head and Del agreed with her.

"And have you come here because you love all of us?" Aunt Mary asked suspiciously. I felt my cheeks color and shook my head.

"Well then," Del said and set down her notebook. "What do you need or what do you want, sweetheart?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to Dad alone," I told them.

"Of course," Aunt Mary said. "But don't be keep him too long. We have to be home to greet Edith." Aunt Mary walked to the door. 

"I think I'll go with Mary," Del told Dad. She stood up and went over to my dad. She kissed him and then kissed my cheek. Del and Aunt Mary left and started their walk back to the abbey.

"Now," he said. "What would you like to talk to me about?" I sat down where Del had been sitting and he sat down with me.

"I had a question for you," I said. "I could have asked Del the same, but I wanted to talk to you more."

"What is this mysterious question?" Dad asked. I took a deep breath.

"I was wondering if you could tell me about your life in Ireland," I said, nervously. He looked at me surprised.

"What's brought this on?" He asked. "You've never asked about Ireland before, why are you asking now?"

"George asked Nora why she's kept her accent even though she's been in England for fifteen year," I explained. "She talked about how she wanted to stay true to her Irish heritage. It got me wondering about my own." Dad looked down and his faced darkened.

"There's not much to say. I left when I was an adult, married your mom there, then came back here before you were born. That's all there is to it."

"I know there's more than that," I said, exasperated. "Why did you come back to Downton? Why did you and Mum go to Ireland in the first place? Why haven't you gone back to Ireland? Why...". Dad cut me off.

"I've told you all there is to it," he said, sternly. "There is nothing more."

"But surely there is!" I said again.

"Sybil Branson!" My dad said angrily. "I've told you all there is to it." I looked at the ground, embarrassed. My dad had never gotten really angry with me. He had been disappointed and upset, but never this angry.

"I'm sorry," I whispered quietly. Dad put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"No Sybbie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. Now, let's go. We have to see your aunt, uncle, and cousins." We stood up and began our walk to back to the house, but the whole way there, I couldn't shake the feeling there was more. I knew that I had to find out more and the only person who would help me was, Nora.

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