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Ok so lets have some fun.

Write some FACTS ABOUT ME.

Well its fine if positive, negative , or anything that is true about you as long as your not lying to yourself.

"Lying can make a big difference."

You can share it , or you can write it on your diary or journal. Write as many as you want It is all about you.

Here are some 10 guide questions for you:

1. What are my favorites? (color, pet, food, books, song, saying, etc.)

2. What I love?

3. What I hate?

4. I am? (Kind, a fighter, a fan of., etc)

5. What I dislike and like?(personality, a type of person, book, in myself is, etc.)

6. What I want and need?

7. I am a type of person who? (rather, prefer to, wanted a, etc.)

8. I hate people who? (judge, has a big mouth than their brains, talks negatives about me, etc.)

9. My talents are and I am good at?

10. I can?


So, thanks for having some fun with me. I hope It will give you at ease when you take this challenge.

"Have some fun with yourself and be happy to explore with what you wanted and what you don't like."

Give me a vote if you like it and please share if you enjoyed it. Thank you and your amazing.

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