Chapter 1

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"Oh come on!", groaned Vivienne as a reply to her alarm. She glanced at her phone to see it was 6:30 a.m. "Five more minutes", she mumbled to herself. But come on who was she kidding, she'll probably sleep for an extra hour. She dragged herself out of bed to get ready. She could hear cluttering from the kitchen, that must be Mum making breakfast.
Then there was a thud.
She looked around but there was nothing, no one. She rubbed her eyes and blinked. "Anyway, what shall I wear?", she whispered to her closet.
"Vie! Are you up yet?", yelled Mum.
"Yes", she replied and then picked up an outfit.
She checked herself in the mirror furrowing her eyebrows, she felt pale.
Well she slept late last night. "Stupid dark circles", she mumbled. "I guess I have to use some makeup today.."
"Come on Vie, I made you breakfast.", said Mum. Vie just grinned.
"But don't get used to it", she said again. "That's just a little treat for the first day".
"Thanks for the support Mummy", Vie chuckled admiring Mum's pancakes.
"Well I think pancakes are a good start!"
"Not really", said a voice.
"Huh?", said Vie.
"Did you say something?"
"No", Mum raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, I thought I heard something"
She arrived to school.
'I really don't wanna go in!', Vie thought to herself.
She entered slowly looking around as if she was searching for something. Trying to be as discreet as possible. She hated being noticed. But that didn't work out.
As soon as she was in the hallway, everyone was staring. There was some sort of a disease at her school; "a staring disorder" or something! Vie pulled a blank face and looked down. What the hell were they looking at?! Was there anything wrong in how she looked like?
Thankfully, Rosanna was there. Rosanna was her friend, best friend! She had some other friends but Rosanna was the closest.
She had green eyes and her hair dyed red. Rosanna was absolutely gorgeous!
"Hey Ro!"
"Vie! I've missed you so much!". She gave her a hug. Rosanna was on vacation with her family this summer.
"Me too! How have you been?"
"Pretty good, you?"
Someone passed by and bumped into Vie, and so she dropped her books.
He stared with a sarcastic look and walked away.
People did that in her school, well apparently to her! He couldn't even apologize?! I mean she wasn't even blocking the way!
"What a jerk!", said Ro helping her out with her books. "Anyway, we haven't talked for a while so how about you come over this evening to hang out?"
"And I'll tell April too"
"Yeah that'd be great!"
Then the bell rang. Time for class!
The day went on. Not impressive really!
Vivienne decided to go home before she went to Ro's house. She felt tired and frustrated. The staring went on all day! She walked home silently spacing out, thinking. Just thinking. People were judgmental, you had to go through a lot to impress! She wasn't trying to impress anyone, because what's the point really?! But when it came to being treated upon their judgements; that was annoying.
Vie never tried to fit into any clique, something her school was known for, she only wanted to go through high school peacefully. She wasn't trying to get any attention and didn't want to hide either. She just tried to be normal, but actually even that was hard enough!

She got home and threw her backpack across her room. Mum wasn't home yet. She called her to tell her she was going to Ro's.
Suddenly she heard someone talking.
"Wow, that was a long day!"
She looked around to find a girl sitting on her bed.
"Who are you?!"


Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it! ^_^
I would love to read your comments! <3
Oh and please tell me if you'd like me to make an updating schedule. Like in a specific day each week or so ^_^

Much love xxxx
Sugarcoated_moon <3

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