Chapter 5

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Can stares kill? Really, can they?

That's how she felt.. People were staring, like every move she made was being observed.. Her face, her tears, her shaking hands, how she felt lost and scared in this crazy place.. What's going on? Really what's going on?

That whole situation started flashing through her mind. How everyone was looking at her, how the teacher was impatient with her, they have no idea how hard it is to step up and speak in public, in front of that number of people!
To them it's something normal, to her it was dreadful.

Toilet.. Yes she could go and hide there. Probably forever. But since that's not possible she just wanted to stay there for a while...
She entered a stall and stood there still shaking, trying to swallow as hard as she could but that lump was stuck in her throat. She closed her eyes and covered them with her hands. Anything to become invisible, she was ready to do anything! But all that happened is that she got more attention than ever!

Vie skipped all her remaining classes. Who cares?! She walked home before the bell rang. She didn't wanna get stuck around people.
She kept looking at the ground silently as she walked.

Suddenly, Annie popped and was walking next to her.
Vie didn't look at her. She didn't want to say anything at that moment. What happened was enough.

She had finally arrived home. Mum wasn't back yet, so she headed straight to her room and threw herself in bed.
She covered her face with a blanket and felt tears escaping down her cheeks.

"It's okay. I mean you're just different.", Annie said finally.

Vie ignored that. Because if that was supposed to make her feel better, well it wasn't working.

Vie kept thinking, this time without staring at the ceiling.
She kept replaying what happened today in her head and analyzing every single detail.
And the more she did that, the more she felt her heart getting squeezed.

Suddenly, her cellphone rang.
Not now! She reached out for it to know that Rosanna was calling her.

Usually she would, without a second of hesitation, answer. But today, she didn't. She couldn't.

She sat up straight and stared at the mirror.
Her hair was a mess, her makeup was ruined and she felt she was at her worst!
She stood up, still staring.

"Fat.", she whispered to herself. "Ugly. Loser."

Annie stood next to her, and for the first time in forever, she didn't say anything. She just listened, patiently and carefully with a blank face..

"Fat", she repeated.

Staring at her belly, her thighs, just how she looked.. She hated that..
She closed her eyes then threw herself again in bed.


"Vie! You've been sleeping all day. Get up! Dinner's ready..", said Mum turning on the lights.

Vie sat up with her hands covering her face.
She slept all day? Oh God.
Still she felt exhausted. She felt as if she had been running all day..

She went downstairs and sat staring at the plate that Mum was filling up.

"So how was your day?", Mum sat down.

Vie just nodded chewing.

There was silence.
"It was ok..", said Vie realizing that Mum was actually looking for an answer.

"Umm you look upset.. What happened?", Mum asked.
"Nothing. Nothing really.."

"No really..?"
Vie put her spoon down and looked up at her Mum.
"I just don't want to talk about it, Mum.."

Mum raised her eyebrows.

"Okay I guess, you don't seem to be is a good mood.."
Vie sighed softly and went on eating.

She didn't mean it that way.. She just felt horrible today and the last thing she wanted was to bring school's hell back home!

"Definitely was a horrible day..", Annie commented.

But Vie just ignored it.

Homework is done. Vie was sound asleep. It was surprising that she actually could sleep though she had slept all day...

Annie didn't say much. But she wasn't leaving her alone, was she?

"Vivienne..", Annie called. "Vivienne get up..."

Vie felt her eyelids open slightly.. Fighting to open up but sleep was winning..!


She sat up and looked at Annie, was she just calling her?

"What?", asked Vie.

But she didn't answer. She kept looking at her.

"What? Why did you wake me up?"

No reply..
Really Annie??

Vie sighed, then her reflection in the mirror caught her attention.
She walked up to it.

She stared at her face. She looked so pale. Her eyes were dull and she felt like a complete mess.

Her body.. That was irritating her.

"Fat..", she whispered.

And all Annie did was listen silently.
Vie opened her mouth to say something.. But she didn't.
She kept staring at herself.. She hated her thighs.. She hated her stomach.. She hated her weight..
She didn't have slim legs, toned arms, or a beautiful waist..
Clothes never fit her well.. All she could see was...

"Fat", she said again.
Annie just listened, and waited. But Vie didn't say anything.

Annie hummed. And that's when Vivienne's voice broke through..

"FAT!", she yelled. Not loud enough but she yelled.
"Why would I find something to like about myself..? What the hell was I supposed to say? Why is it that I look like that? Why is that I'm fat? Why am I ugly? Why just why?"

Annie came closer to her, but still said nothing.

"What is it that I would ever like about myself?", she continued.

And that's when tears ran down her face.

"I look ugly, I look fat..", she whispered. "I made a fool out of myself.. Everyone thinks I'm a freak.."

She sat on the floor and hid her face.

"I'm such an embarrassment.."

Annie sat next to her and patted her shoulder lightly.
Vie stared at the mirror again.

"I hate myself..", she whispered.

There was a long silence. All that Vie kept thinking about; is how she was going to get out of this.

This whole time she had been bottling it up, the fact that she had so much she hated about herself....

"You wanna lose weight, don't you?"

Vie turned around to see who just said that, because she was deadly sure that voice wasn't Annie's!

There was a girl standing there, someone she had never seen before...


Hey everyone! There you go! ^_^
I hope you enjoyed it! =)

Btw, I just wanted to tell you something.. I'm starting a new book very soon!! So I would really appreciate it if you'd check it out! =D

Thank you so much for reading!

Much love xoxo
Sugarcoated_moon ~ <3

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