Chapter 10: Meet and Greet

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it's great, obviously. It's always nice when you can be closer with your fans who have been supporting you all this time. It's really amazing."

After that, the host asked him some questions about Formula 1, such as his shocking departure at the end of the season, his aim to win the title in his final season with Ferrari, and so on.

"Seb, it's shocking us all that you and Ferrari will part ways at the end of this season after working together for five years. What do you feel about that?"

"I didn't expect this either, to be honest, because we had a discussion regarding my contract at the end of last season. My time is probably over here, but I think that it's time for all of us to move on."

"But this season, you are back to your old strength, you've performed really well, and you are leading the championship at the moment. Do you think that they will regret their decision?"

"I hope that they will," Seb said jokingly, which made the fans laugh. "No, I mean, I think that they know every consequence of the decision they've made. No matter what result I will get at the end of this season, they've decided to replace me and they've also chosen the driver who will replace me next year. So, even if I won the title, they wouldn't suddenly change their decision."

Stefan who was still upset with Ferrari's decision whispered to Sam, "I still can't accept this, Sam. Seb has poured his heart and soul into this team."

"I know, Papa. Thankfully I'm more of a driver's fan than a team's fan, so I will follow him wherever he goes," Sam laughed a little. She could imagine how annoyed he was.

"I would stop being a Tifoso if they did the same to Charles and Carlos," Stefan said.

Although Stefan was a big fan of Ferrari, he wasn't too fanatic. He would still criticize the team if they made a mistake and he wouldn't deify them when they were successful.

After giving Seb some questions, the host let five lucky fans to ask something to their idol. Of course, all fans didn't want to miss the opportunity. So, Stefan asked Sam if she wanted to ask a question.

"Sam, do you want to ask something to him?"

She doubted at first, but deep inside her heart, she wanted to use the chance she had. "Yes, Papa."

"Okay, four fans have asked their questions. Now there's only one more fan who can ask him. Please raise your hand," asked the host, after Seb answered the question from the fourth person.

Stefan raised his hand. Then, the host approached him to give him the mic. He handed it to Sam but before that, he made sure that the mic was on.

"You can stand up and mention your name first," the host told Sam.

Sam slowly stood from her chair. Seb was surprised to see her, but he could hide it. He didn't know that she was one of the lucky fans who came to the event. And he finally knew that she was from Düsseldorf, which was around 3 hours from his hometown, Heppenheim.

"Hi, Sebastian. My name is Samantha Zimmermann," she introduced herself. "I have a question for you, but it's a short one. What do the fans mean to you? Thank you very much in advance." Sam smiled before she sat again there.

Seb lost his mind for a moment. She seemed very friendly and polite to him. But, those weren't things that attracted him that time. He still didn't understand why she loved to wear her sunglasses, even inside a room. Then, he was aware that he hadn't answered her.

"Okay, thank you, Samantha. That's a short but great question. Of course, the fans mean a lot to me. As I said earlier, it's nice to be closer to your fans at an event like this. It's so great to get a lot of support from them. If you watched me last season, you know that it was quite tough for me,"

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