Chapter 1: Everything Has Changed

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February 2020

14th February, the date which was usually celebrated by the couples in the world as a Valentine's day. On the exact same date, Sam celebrated her wedding anniversary with Jonas.

But, their 4th wedding anniversary felt very empty. Sam always loved Jonas, but God loved him even more. After being in a coma for about a week, he passed away.

She was a bit luckier. She was also in a coma for almost two weeks. But when she was conscious, she couldn't see anything. She lost her sight. She was blind.

Her parents and even Jonas' family were willing to help her to pay for the corneal transplant, but she refused it. She didn't want to undergo the surgery. For her, being blind was the punishment for her as she felt that she was the reason on why the car accident happened.

On one hand, her heart was broken as she couldn't see people around her especially her daughter, Florentia, anymore. She could only hug her and sleep next to her. But on the other side, she would accept if she was destined to be blind until the end of her life if that could erase her guilt.

Sitting on her bed, Sam could hear someone entering her room. "You've woken up, Sam," Magdalene, Sam's mother, spoke.

"Yes, Mama."

Magda also remembered that it was her only daughter's wedding anniversary, a moment that should've been celebrated happily. She took a seat next to her. Then, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "My dear, what are you thinking?"

Sam closed her eyes and the tears started falling down. "Jonas..."

Magda quickly hugged Sam as she started sobbing. "I know, Sam. But he is in a better place now. He is in Heaven, watching you and Florentia from above."

"I miss him, Mama. Why... why did he leave me?" she asked haltingly. "He promised that he wouldn't leave from my side."

"It's God's destiny, Sam. We have to accept it. Yes, he left you, he left us all, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't love you."

Sam felt so hopeless. "I want to be with him. I want to follow him wherever he goes."

Magda pulled away from Sam. "Sam, please don't say that! You have to think of Flo. She needs you here. Jonas wouldn't be happy if you left your daughter."

Sam closed her eyes again. Her mother was right, she had to think of Flo, the most valuable treasure that Jonas had left for her. "I'm sorry, Mama," she sighed.

Magda kissed Sam's head gently. "Don't apologize when you are upset, Sam. I understand you. By the way, it's almost time for you to take a bath. I will prepare it for you."

Sam could feel that Magda stood from her bed. Since that accident, everything she did was helped by her parents. After she was released from the hospital, she didn't want to live at her and Jonas' house anymore because living there would hurt her even more.

Sam saved money from the sale of the house for Flo's future. She didn't want to use it for herself. And after the house had been sold, she lived again with her parents. Magda and her husband, Stefan, welcomed her daughter and grandchild to live with them.


In the afternoon, Sam accompanied her daughter to watch her favourite cartoon. While Magda was in the kitchen, making something to eat for all of them. Flo was sitting on her lap. Her laugh always made her mother's heart warm. But at the same time, it also hurt her a little.

Flo was too young to understand that she had lost her father. She didn't understand that her mother couldn't see anything. And she hadn't understood about complicated life in the world.

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