Chapter 10: Meet and Greet

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Magda was helping Sam to tie her hair into pony tail. Then, she looked at the mirror. "You are so beautiful, sweetheart."

Sam lifted her hand as she wanted to hold her mother. "Thanks, Mama. If I should be honest, I'm really nervous."

"Don't be, Sam. Today should be fun for you and Papa. You should enjoy it."

"Is it okay that Papa and I leave you and Flo?" Sam asked. It was quite rare for her to leave home without them.

"It's okay, Sam. You don't have to worry about anything. Flo and I will be fine. Let me take your bag."

Magda approached a small couch inside the room where Sam put her crossbody bag. Then, she walked back and helped Sam to stand up and use it on her.

The day had finally come for Sam and Stefan to go to Puma Store at Düsseldorf Airport, to attend the Meet and Greet event with Seb. As she said to her mother, she was quite nervous as she didn't want Seb to find out about her blindness. She wore her sunglasses as usual.

Magda brought Sam to the living room. Stefan, who was wearing a red t-shirt with a big Ferrari logo in the middle, was holding Flo in his arms.

"Flo, look at your Mama and Oma! They are beautiful, aren't they?" Stefan asked Flo, which was replied by her laugh. "Yes, Flo, I know that you agree with me."

Sam and Magda also laughed listening to that monologue conversation. Then, Stefan asked, "Are you ready, Sam?"

"I'm nervous, Papa," she chuckled, "but of course I'm ready."

Stefan stood up from the couch and walked until he was in front of Sam. "Here's Flo. Do you want to say something first?"

Sam reached Flo and spoke. "Flo, Mama and Opa will go, but we won't be long, we promise. Please don't bother Oma, okay?"

She kissed her head gently before Stefan gave Flo to Magda. Sam and Stefan said goodbye to both of them before they got into the car.

Stefan started driving his 2012 Volkswagen Polo car. He asked if Sam wanted to choose the songs to listen to, but she left it to him.

Sam felt that her life was slightly better. She was slowly accepting her loss of her husband forever, although the wound would forever be on her heart.

But she was grateful that she still had her own parents who were always there for her. She was also thankful that Jonas' family still loved her and didn't blame her for that accident.


The store was closed to the public for some hours because of the event, so the only people who could enter it were the selected people who got a chance to meet Seb.

Stefan helped Sam to sit down on a chair that had been prepared. Sam could also hear some people next to her who couldn't wait to meet the 4-time world champion.

Around 5 minutes later, the sound of applauses began when Seb arrived at the store. Britta and Antti also attended the event. He was welcomed by the host. "Here's the Scuderia Ferrari driver, the 4-time F1 world champion, Sebastian Vettel!"

The fans kept clapping their hands until Seb stood in front with the host. Seb bowed his head a little before he waved his hand to them.

The host gave him a microphone and he thanked her. "Seb, welcome to Puma Store Düsseldorf!"

Seb smiled. "Thank you. Good morning, everyone!"

"It's an honour for us to welcome you here. How do you feel with meeting your fans from Düsseldorf?" the host asked.

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