
The expression on his face must be thunderous as Severus stalks toward the headmasters office because students and ghosts alike scramble quickly out of his path. When he had recognized the writing on the list he couldn't help but think how much of an idiot he was for not recognizing it sooner. With the amount of times the headmaster has summoned him to his office with those foolish notes, one would think he would have recognized it.

What he can't figure out is why the headmaster keeps adding Harry's name to the list. The boy obviously doesn't want to remain in the castle. In the potions master's eyes, the headmaster is trying to take away something that will make Harry happy. That is completely unacceptable.

"Twizzlers!" Severus sneers at the gargoyle. He storms up the steps, stopping only briefly to knock, entering the office before Dumbledore can acknowledge him.

"Ah, Severus, my boy. What can I do for you today?" Dumbledore inquires cheerfully.

The potions master's blood boils at Dumbledore's use of "boy". He refuses to be demeaned in such a way. "What is the meaning of this, Albus?" The ex-death eater asks, slamming the Slytherin list on the table, pointing to Harry's name.

"It seems young Mr. Potter wants to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays." The headmaster says innocently, his eyes twinkling brighter.

"Don't give me that Albus! That boy has told me multiple times he does not wish to stay. As a matter of fact, he can't shut up about it. And you know as well as I do that this is not his handwriting.'' Snape snaps. "Why do you keep replacing his name."

"He is not safe outside of Hogwarts Severus. I have decided that it's best that he stay here for the holidays." Dumbledore says attempting to placate the irate potions master.

"And under what authority do you make that decision?"

"As the boy's magical guardian th-"

"Who gave you the title of magical guardian?" Severus interrupts. He knows that Lily wouldn't have left Harry's guardianship to Dumbledore. More than likely it would have been the mutt or wolf. 'Possibly myself before our fifth year.' he thinks sullenly.

"As Sirius was arrested, young Harry had no magical guardian, and given Remus' condition, Mr. Potter was left without one. I appointed myself as his magical guardian." The headmaster says, as if breaking wizarding law isn't a big deal.

"Albus, a magical guardian is not self appointed. There are rules and just claiming the boy is not one of them. As such, you have no right to force the boy to stay here. He will be leaving for the holidays and that is final. Good day headmaster." Severus finishes and stalks from the room.

Dumbledore sits behind his desk, stunned that Severus has the gaul to say that to him. Above the headmaster, the portraits give a silent round of applause to the young potions master, proud that he's stood up to the old fool who has the audacity to meddle with young Harry's life.


Harry is reading in the common room when a prefect tells him that Snape needs him in his office as soon as possible. As he walks out of the portrait, his mind shuffles through the hundreds of different scenarios as to why Snape would need him. At best, he just wants to talk and at worst, even though he hasn't done anything(that he knows of), he is being expelled.

By the time he reaches the room he has worked himself into a panic. He knocks, timidly entering at Snape's harsh call to enter.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Harry inquires, not quite managing to keep the nerves from his voice.

Harry Potter and the Slytherin Truth: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now