Chapter 1

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Warning: Abuse

Chapter 1

When Harry was with his parents, he had only known love and laughter. He hadn't known what it was like to go hungry. Never known what it was like to have a hand raised against oneself. Never known what it was like to be yelled at and belittled. He was their everything. But, on Halloween night that all changed.

Petunia woke up to the faint cries of an infant. Believing it to be her son, she rushed to Dudley’s room, ready for anything and expecting the worst. She soon realizes that the crying she hears isn't coming from inside the house, but from the doorstep. She reaches tentatively for the knob, hesitating slightly. She finds her resolve and opens the door.

On the other side of the door lies a small child swaddled in a white blanket. She bends down quickly and scoops the child up in her arms.

"No child should be left out in this cold unattended!" she says aloud to no one in particular.

The child squirms in her grasp, his sobs turning quickly into silence as he is comforted by her warm embrace. As the child moved, a thick envelope with elegant writing on the front peaks out from within the blanket.

She went toward the kitchen to prepare a bottle for the small child, correctly guessing he was hungry when he started to fuss again.

After preparing it with practiced ease, she walked toward the living room and gently placed him in her son’s playpen by the couch. She handed the baby the bottle, from which he drank greedily. She sat on the couch with the letter, realising it was addressed to her. She opened it and recognized the paper for parchment, somehow knowing this has something to do with her sister, Lily.

Dear Mrs. Dursley,

I regret to inform you, as of last night, October 31, 1981, your sister and her husband, James Potter, were murdered by Voldemort. They died while protecting their son, Harry. I have decided that as his next of kin, it would be best if you were to care for him. The night of the attack on the potters, Lily accidentally enacted a very powerful protection, which is tied to the child's blood. I have also added more wards to ensure he and your family are safe. The protections will only stay in place if he calls this place home. Should he leave before his maturity at 17, and the wards fall, he and your family could be attacked by the remaining Death Eaters. As long as he lives here, your family is protected. I would also like to remind you, the wards will fall when he has reached his maturity in the wizarding world.

Best regards,
Albus Dumbledore

Petunia, just stared at the letter in shock, her sister was dead. Although she and her sister hadn't gotten along in years she still loved her, no matter what she may have said or how she acted. 

Her head snapped up when she heard rustle andremembered the babe, her nephew, in the play pen; he had shifted in his sleep. She then felt anger and contempt rise in her. The wizarding world took everything from her, including her sister, and now they think they can just dump her sister’s son at her doorstep and expect her to raise him. He was going to be just like them, a freak.

She was thinking of ways to get rid of the boy when she remembered the protections that would be placed on the house. So deep in thought, she didn't notice as her husband, Vernon, entered the room.

“Pet?” he called worriedly, as he saw his wife in the living room staring off into space. He paused as he started toward her, having noticed the boy with dark hair in his son's playpen. “Who’s this?”

“Vernon!” Petunia exclaimed, when she finally noticed him. “This is my sister and her husband's son.” she replied

Vernon’s face turned a dark shade of red, quickly bearing a startling resemblance to a tomato. “So he’s one of those freaks, is he? Why is he here, Pet?”

Instead of a verbal response, Petunia handed him the letter. As he finished, Vernon pulled petunia in a hug. He knew even though she may not have talked with her sister in years, she still cared for her, and through his anger he knew his wife would need the comfort.

When Petunia pulled away she began to explain her plan. She had decided they would keep the boy for the protection of their family. He would be provided with the bare minimum and he would work to earn his keep. They quickly came to their next dilemma, where he would sleep.

“He will not be sleeping with my son, I won't allow it! I don't want my son to catch his Freakishness” Vernon bellowed, ignoring the two sleeping babes in the house.

“Vernon, be quiet, our Dudders is still sleeping!” Petunia whispered harshly. “Where do you suggest we put him then? We don't have another crib. All we have is that old baby bed in the attic.” Petunia pointed out.

“I don't want him taking up Dudley’s playroom. And we can't place him in the guest room because of Marge.” Vernon thought out loud, as he decided where to place the boy.

“That only leaves the cupboard under the stairs.” Petunia said, before continuing. “We could take down the bed and leave him there.”

“Perfect, I'll go get the bed.” Vernon said as he left the room.

As all this was going on, little Harry slept, oblivious to the beginnings of the long line of abuse he was going to experience in his life. 

Harry Potter and the Slytherin Truth: Year OneWhere stories live. Discover now