"Would you like to sit on my face?" She grinned. What is wrong with her? I was shocked at her comment but tried my best to keep my composure. Reacting would just make her continue to act out.

"I can explain it to you if you'd like?" I continued.

"Let me explain something to you. I don't give a fuck about one word that comes out of your cock sucking mouth. And here's something from my mouth." She said before sitting up and spitting on my face. The guards began rushing over but I held my hand up signalling them to stop.

"Now we both need to wash our faces. That wasn't very nice of them to send you in here with blood all over you, was it?" She looked dumbfounded for a moment, probably wondering why I didn't react to her last action.

"Please go get some face clothes soaked in hot water for me and miss Sana." I requested to my assistant.

"Right away!" He scurried off.

"So, Sana. I was called in tonight to talk to you about what happened today. Are you up for that?" I smile. Being calm, caring, and understanding to the patient is always important.

"No." She said staring blankly at me. Something is definitely wrong here. It's almost as if someone else took over her body.

My assistant re entered with the towels.

"Here let me clean you u-

"Lay one of those boney fingers on me and I'll bite it off." She yelled. I wiped my own face instead.

"Alright I get it. You don't like me. I guess we will have to send in a different doctor. One who is a bit more... well you will find out." Her expression changed.

"Fine I'll talk to you if you take off these cuffs and tell these fat ass guards to leave the room. I want you here with me. Alone." Y/n this is dangerous don't do it. But I also need her to trust me so we can get to the bottom of what happened. Fuck.


"Excuse me! You can't be left alone in here with this murderer!" My assistant chimed in. I glared at him.

"I trust Sana." I say while making eye contact with her.

"The head of the department won't like thi-

"I don't care. Now everyone out!" I demand.

One by one they filed out of the room.

"Ok we're alone."

"The cuffs." She taunts while shaking her wrists. I hesitated for a moment, but then slowly removed the first cuff.

"Good girl." Her tone was somewhat seductive? My heart pounded at an unusually fast rate as I unclamped the last cuff.

"Will you talk to me now?" I was very curious about how this was going to go down.

She was silent. Too silent. Suddenly she pounced on me, pressing my body against the nearest wall with her cold hand on my throat. Her pupils were dilated and she had the biggest smile on her face. The guards rushed in.

"Don't touch her." My voice strained as her hand squeezed my neck.

"She's choking you!" One of the guards yelled. Yeah No shit Sherlock.

"I'm fine. Leave the room and don't come back in unless I call for you." I order.

"I think you're crazy one doctor." She smirked while moving her face closer to mine.

"You're choking me right now because you are feeling threatened and afraid. You're trying to take hold of the situation. You are confused and decided to become violent." I had seen this before. Yes I was scared but her hand wasn't tight enough on my neck to kill me so I tried to stay calm.

"Stop trying to act like you know me. I could kill you at any second so you should start begging for your pathetic life." Sadistic personality disorder? Narcissistic personality disorder? She has never showed signs of this in concerts, tv shows, events.

"You people think I'm a murderer? I'll show you a murderer. I would love to hear your esophagus get crushed with one of my hands while the other hand-

"You're all talk. Go ahead. Kill me Sana. Kill the only person who is trying to help you right now." Her grip got tighter. The realization hit that she may actually kill me and tears started streaming down my face.

"There we go! This is what I've been waiting for." She licks a tear off of my cheek and my whole body began to shiver. I tried to call for help but no sound came out.

"Any last words you dumb whore?" Her grip got so tight that I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of the sockets.

Suddenly the guards came in and pulled her off of me. I fell to the ground gasping for air and her evil laughs filled the room. I got up and headed for the door.

"See you later doctor!" She said happily. Bipolar disorder?

Sana, even though you just tried to strangle me to death I am determined to find out what happened to you.

She's Psychotic (Sanaxfemreader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon