baby bird

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Silent laid there with a pained face panting. You go to his side and hold his hand. He slowly looks at you. You smile. "Hey." You sit down on his bed and put his head on your lap like you did before. He sighs and you run your fingers through his hair. Despite his fever, you got him comfortable enough to get him to fall asleep. Around noon you slowly get out of his arms and go downstairs. You see the dining room and see a mess of people playing around and chasing eachother. Suddenly there was a loud bang and lone was heard. "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" He yells walking over to me. "If your weren't notified this is y/n! Be nice or I'll kill you." He says. They all nod. You shiver. Wolf waves wildly and pats the seat beside him. "Y/n y/n! Over here! Sit by me!" He was like a child. You smile and sit beside him. "Yay!" You giggle at his happiness. "I'm special!" he yells and hugs you. You awkwardly pat his arm. He lets go when food was finally served. Some people had separate meals but it was guessed that they made them. Wolf ate making a mess and then looked at you with a bright smile. You giggle and clean his face. "Sssso whosssse thissss cutie~" a voice says. You look over and see a male with strange flaps on the sides of his neck showing off a cobra mark and instead of legs he had a snake tail. Wolf growls. "Stay away from her cobra." He says. "Im jusssst interessssted in the newbie sssso butt off." He hisses but lone smacks the back of cobras neck making him hiss a bit before slinking away realizing he hissed at lone. "No body is mean to master or they could die. He's so strong he can take our 3 strongest members on with one hand and his eyes closed!" Wolf exclaims. "Who are the strongest members?" You ask. "That would be bull, lion, and shark." Lone cuts in. "Why are they all named after animals?" You ask him. "They come here with a dead name or no name at all. They decided on the names of the animals they are. However some change it like silentwing and some are human like Dena. I dont chose them. They do." He states before starting dishes. You nod before feeling a small pressure on your shoulder. You look over and see a barn owl. It cuddles up and starts napping on you. "Thats owl!" Wolf says and you shush him.

creepypasta x reader x Male!deathparksWhere stories live. Discover now