Who knew

12 1 0

You sort of just sat there not sure if you were allowed to leave and not really wanting to get hurt. The person comes back and motions for you to follow them. You get up and follow. The person somehow stayed in the shadows the whole time. They come to stairs and go up then opening the door. You follow and when you see what was upstairs you gasp. An open room with couches facing a TV, two staircases that separate them connect at the second floor balcony. There were doors on the left and right and rooms upstairs. "Woah." You mutter. The person was now clearly seen. He had black hair that spiked up and fell in front of his face. He had an ear piercing at the top of his right ear and two in the middle of his left. He had a grey tank top, a black leather jacket, grey combat pants, and black combat boots. You blush. A huge bad boy. "There are only a few rules. Don't kill any of the other residents, don't eat food that has a name on it or a name on it that isn't yours, and don't leave the mansion without my permission." He said looking down at you from the side. You try not to blush deep red and nod. "The other residents were already notified of your presence so don't worry about them trying to kill you." He says. Your eyes widen. He glances at you with a dull look, he sort of looked broken. "If you have any questions or concerns I'm down the door to the right then I'm the first door on your right. You may stay in my office while we set up a room for you." He said dodging to answer her visual confusion. Either that or he really just didn't care. Which also seemed like a reasonable answer with how he was acting.

creepypasta x reader x Male!deathparksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora