Wolves den

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Your pov

I wake up in a black room tied up. I was scared and my arm hurts a lot. Suddenly the door opens and I wince at the bright light. Someone with outstretched wings walks to me and kneels down. "Hi there." he says with a soft smile. He looks back and I look to see someone leaning against the doorway and nod. He looks back at me and cuts me free. Then he gently grabs my arm. he uses his right hand to hover it over my arm. "What are you-?" I feel a tingling sensation instead of pain and I gasp. I Giggle and try not to squirm. He stops and pulls away. I look and see the tiniest little cut. "Woah!" I look over at him with a bright smile but then I frown. He was panting and holding his head. "Are you ok?" I ask gently touching his head. I gasp pulling back as it felt like his skin was boiling. "I'm f-fine." I pout and put his head in my lap making his face go redder. Now that he was closer I could take in his entire appearance. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was very pale like he was sick. He had blonde feathers like a parakeet. I pet his softly and he lets out a Shakey breath. He looks up at me with half lidded eyes and a red face and I almost nosebled right there. I pet his cheek and he leans into me. He was too hot and it was worrying. I look up at the person in the doorway. "Please help him." I beg. The person comes closer but stays in the shadows. The person picks the male up and walks off shutting the door.

creepypasta x reader x Male!deathparksWhere stories live. Discover now