The Plan

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Crow felt it when it happened. Someone had summoned Manda and it had not been Orochimaru. As far as he knew, his late sensei had refused to summon the snake earlier on since he had been hiding it would be a dead giveaway to do it. He frowned. No one should had the ownership of the snake summons at this time... Unless something had changed and Orochimaru was in a dire situation or he was dead and someone had taken the summons for themselves... He refused to believe it, if his sensei died this early then what would happen to her..?

He narrowed his eyes in the direction where he had felt the snake being summoned then he looked in front of him. Despite how much he wanted to follow it, his old sensei didn't knew him and would most likely attack him on sight, instead of helping him, he would be adding more worries for the snake. It was better for him to continue looking for his brother.

With one last look at his left, he continue traveling forward through the dense forest. He would find his brother no matter what.

Sasuke woke up to find himself surrounded by a pile of siblings. He sighed and walked to the window. The village was still being repaired, but everyone was back at a good mood again. That pissed him off even more.

"Sasuke nii?" Haku whispered. He turned to look at his baby brother to find him trying to shake off the pile of siblings on top of him.

"Get back to sleep Haku." He told the boy. Haku's eyes cleared as he looked at him.

"No." He simply said. Sasuke hned and turned back at the window.

"Sasuke I said no. The adults are currently doing their best to find Naru, you can't just head out alone to try to find him." He said harshly. Sasuke turned to glare at him.

"The adults? They only sent that Crow dude! Who is he anyway?! Can he even be trusted? Its like they don't even care anymore. Naruto is out there alone and all they do is sit on their butts and expect a miracle!" He yelled the last part frustrated. By now, the other siblings had woken up and were looking at Sasuke wide eyed. The only one looking down at the floor was Sakura. He kept going.

"If you all don't care, no one is asking you to come! But I'm going out there to find my broth-oww!" He winced. He turned to glare at whoever had hit him to find a very pissed off Sakura crying silently as she glared at him.

"You think We don't care?! Look around you Sasuke!" She said. His eyes widened and he turned to look back at his siblings. Gaara was shaking and crying silently. A pissed off Haku was currently hugging Gaara as he glared at him. Karin was hiding behind Sakura, not even looking at him anymore.

"I-" he started but a look from Sakura silenced him.

"You what? Have you even thought about the fact that Kurama, the fucking Ninetailed Fox Demon, ruler of hell, almost died facing off one of the enemies that was targeting us? Have you forgotten that the Bloody Demon of the Mist, Zabuza, died defending Naruto and Haku against the very same group of enemies? Did you forgot Naruto's jiji, who survived  TWO world wars also died to the same group? Kushina and Minato san wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Crow, who's the only one Kurama trusts to bring Naruto back. Have you thought why that was?" She hissed in her Ninetail demon voice that was leaking out KI directly at him. He looked down ashamed of himself. What his sister had said was all true.

Sakura sighed and calmed down, walking towards him giving him a pat in the back.

"We already lost Naruto, we can't lose you too..." She said softly at last. He nodded.

"It was selfish and stupid of me to try and go alone, I apologize everyone." He said. They gave him encouraging smiles and Sakura nodded.

"That is why we will all go with you, we miss our little brother as much as you do, and together, we have better chances of surviving." She said grinning at him. The rest nodded at him and he looked at them shocked.

"I thought you would ask me not to go.." He said, Sakura nodded.

"You can't go alone." She said, then looked at the rest. "But you are right, despite everything, Naru is out there alone and he needs us. There is no way he's going to trust Crow san and come back with him, but we have a chance to make him listen." She said. Everyone nodded at that.

"We know what Crow told Kurama, about how those white things replaced us and how Naru thinks we are dead, but if we prove that it's us, he will come back!" Haku said.

"But people are looking for him everywhere! Where would we even start?" Gaara asked. At that, Karin's eyes widened.

"Kiba! He has a very good nose! He can help us track him down!" She said excitedly. Everyone's eyes widened but Sakura shook her head.

"A big group will only call unnecessary attention. It will be hard enough looking for Naruto on our own while not getting caught by Kurama and whoever she sends to track us down, plus Naruto is not stable right now, its best not to pressure him too much." She said. At that the rest thought about it before nodding.

"Then its just us." Gaara said, the rest nodded.

"We should stock up on tools and food, we don't know for how long we will be out there." Karin said, but Sakura shook her head.

"If we take too much, we will call too much attention to us as we walk towards out secret exit, we can't risk getting caught." She said.

"We won't get caught." Haku said and stood, running out of the room.

"Haku?" Confused, the rest followed him to find him in Kurama's room, he was currently standing in her closet searching for something.

"Got it!" He said as he picked up an old shabby backpack. They looked at him shocked.

"Haku that thing will fall apart the moment you place a water bottle on it! Much less weapons and the rest!" Sakura exclaimed, but Haku smirked and opened the bag and started searching for something, he pulled his hand out and he had a very big shuriken in his hand.

"Do not judge a book by its cover!" He said and winked at them.

And that is how they found themselves in front of the Forest of Death without any complications. Their anbu squad had been following them diligently, but they seemed to had forgotten that Sasuke and Sakura had been raised inside that forest.
"Lets train at my signal." Sasuke said, the rest nodded. They walked inside the forest and out of nowhere, Sasuke and the rest hid their chakra as Sakura threw a smoke bomb at the floor.

Immediately, they all started following Sasuke through a very tricky maze. And just like that, the Anbu squad was long gone.

"Oh Kami.. ha ah." Karin said, out of breath, the rest were in similar states but they all looked up and smiled. They had successfully made it out of Konoha... Or so they thought. They all froze when footsteps sounded behind rhem.

"What are you all doing out here?" A female's voice said. They all winced. They had been caught.

The Life of a Lone Fox~ A Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now