1. Destiny Gandpholf

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I know. You take one look at me and think, gorgeous.

I go to the worst school ever, it's in Texas, called Monahans High School. No seriously, as of 2019, they were the worst-rated school in Texas. They have great academics though, horrible everything else.

One of the people that go here is a future doctor, and I have my gorgeous brown eyes on him. His name is Will Solace. He has magnificent golden blonde curls, with vibrant blue eyes, he has a summer tan that will last all year, and is 6' tall! His height matches my 5'3 perfectly. A short girl with a tall boy, and every blonde needs a brunette right? I'm his match!

I'm going to ask him out today after school as I don't see him any other time. You see, we have all different classes and he's in lunch group A and I'm in lunch group B. They do it by stupid last names. Weird. They switched them. Oh, well.

I go through my day, and at lunch, I tell my best friends, who are my best friends, Mackenzie, McKenna, Hope, Gertrude, and Makayla. Many people think that because I'm popular I think of them as my 'goons,' but I don't. I think of them as my best friends. I've known Mac and Ken since birth, our moms are best friends, Hope and G-tood, as she likes to be called, since grade school, and Kay since Freshman year. We are now seniors.

They all think I should do it, they told me to just walk up to him and ask. He says he's in a serious relationship and has been for three years now, but we all know he's just waiting for me. It's now French, which I'm fluent in I might add. I am the teacher's favorite, and ace that class.

Two more class periods till the end of the day, cross my fingers they go by fast! Unfortunately, I forgot what classes they are. Math and History. Great.

After what felt like three hours from my ADHD, I finally, get out of classes and head to the parking lot to find Will. I see him talking with his friends Olivia, Liam, Emma, and Noah. I overhear a conversation about Will's so-called relationship so I decide to eavesdrop.

"We finally meet your boyfriend! I can't wait!" Boyfriend? Probably a friend that's a boy.

"Yeah! I can't wait, I haven't seen him since August. I miss him!" Will exclaims excitedly.

"Well, we can't either, tell us about him," Olivia I think says.

"He is short, emo or goth don't call him that though, Italian, sarcastic as hell, has one of the most twisted senses of humor ever, yes, even more than you Emma. That's why I don't react as much when you make a creepy joke. He is like a little ball of darkness! He has these obsidian brown eyes, that when you look into seem broken and hollow, but are warm when you know him, EXTREMELY kept to himself, shy at first, ABSOLUTELY HATES it when people try to help him, scary, dark, and creepy at first then like a cinnamon bun, don't tell him I said that" Will says rambling on about his 'boyfriend' I just zoned out.

All of a sudden a black SUV comes into the parking lot and stops in front of Will. A short pale Italian gets out and runs over to Will, he kisses him and when they break apart the whole school is looking at him. I feel a sudden surge of jealousy.

"Why are you kissing my soon-to-be boyfriend! You fag!" I shout, ugh I HATE gays.

"What? Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend? Unless...Will? Is there something you're not telling me?" He teases.

"Yes! I'm sorry Nico! But, I'm dating this girl who I don't know," Will replies dramatically. Wow. He doesn't know me!

"Yes! You are not allowed to kiss MY BOYFRIEND!" I shout. Why is Will even friends with this weirdo?

"Well, you see, if I'm your boyfriend then why am I kissing him?" Will asks as he leans over to kiss him. When they pull away, Nico looks at me.

"Wow. You're even paler than my skeleton ancestors. I thought I won that war," Nico shrugs. He did have a twisted sense of humor.

"Neeks, we talked about this, you can't keep referencing your friends," Will reprimands him. Friends?

"Why?" Nico asks looking disappointed.

"Because people are going to think you are insane," Will told him, holding up his chin so that he looks at him.

"Fine," Nico says begrudgingly. "Hold on. Before we go I need to speak with that girl," he says pointing to me.

Shit. "Um, ok.

"Oh, Will which girl can give the hardest punch out of these two?" Nico says pointing to Emma and Olivia. Crap.

"I don't know they've never punched me," Will replies.

"Alright. Punch me in the stomach," why would he tell someone to punch him in the stomach.

"Hold up! I can tell you, it's Emma," Liam says just as Emma was about to object.

"Okay, Emma come here," Nico says looking to Emma, she follows him questioningly.

"Alright, so I don't hit girls unless they challenge me, so I just need you to hit her for me, fists and all. While I yell at her," Nico tells Emma, and she looks excited.

"Ready, once I start yelling," Will is doing nothing to stop this, thanks. "FAG IS A TERM THAT NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE CALLED! WHERE I COME FROM IF YOU WERE GAY YOU WOULD DIE! SO DON'T YOU EVER CALL ANYONE A FAG AGAIN! CALL SOMEONE IT AND IT WON'T BE EMMA THAT PUNCHES YOU! IT WILL BE ME! IT TOOK ME 8 YEARS TO BE COMFORTABLE SHARING MY SEXUALITY AND YOU'RE OVER HERE MAKING ME FEEL HORRIBLE! GO DIE IN A FUCKING PIT, NO! GO DIE IN TARTARUS YOU TROIA CAGNA!" I think he switched to Italian during the last few words, but I was to busy being punched in the stomach by Emma to notice, she can throw some hard-ass punches! I will probably be bruised tomorrow.

"Nico, let's go! We don't need anyone else to want to hurt you," Will reminds him, why would others want to come and hurt him? Either way, I am so glad that this has stopped.

Well, now I know Will's a fag. That is how I, unfortunately, met Solangelo? I think that's their ship name anyways, I'm not sure.



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