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Okay, the most dreaded period of every students. The root of nightmares and stress. The time when you want to just cry out loud while shouting at the top of your lungs or maybe starting to question about the afterlife since death seems more relaxing and peaceful than sitting in a room, knowing nothing and devils surrounding you and karma starts kicking in for not learning your lessons when you have the time, wait... hey! I just described Hell. What a perfect description of exams. I mean, what's the point of having exams when what we really need is life lessons. I feel like schools prepare us for exams and good marks instead of preparing us for the real world.

Why can't we learn about 'how to save money' or 'how to cook' or 'how to do banking' not those mathematical parts but the steps of how to open and account or something like that. I mean the bank does all of the calculations anyway.

But, no matter how much i hate exams and wish it doesn't exist, i don't actually want it to disappear. Hear me out first. The only reason why I'm opening my textbook and took down notes is because of the exams, and by doing so, even though i did it only for marks and probably forget almost all of it, i at least get a small amount of more knowledge in my brain. If exams were to disappear, I'd probably say 'f*ck it, whatever, it doesn't carry marks anyway' and spend the whole day surfing through instagram, believing everything the media says and became dumber by the second. (which is also happening now btw) So, i do believe that exams are necessary even though we rarely make use of its true purpose, that is, to test yourself and embed all that you learn in your brain.

The 8th grade examination were.......

........ Very easy........

Looking back, i never really had a full on panic before exams (except in Hindi of course) The Teachers in my old school were as lazy as the students so there was a lot of omitted questions. I could even learn the whole science examination portion at the morning of the exam, literally. Social Science was a bit more hard since there were more questions and things to memorised. Maths was okay since 8th grade math wasn't really that hard. English was, well, i never really learn them and just read the story, the word meanings were  bit troublesome and that's about it. And Hindi, ohhh the devil's language (no disrespect to it though, it's just that i mentally can't take it in) i seriously don't know how i use to pass on it. I have to remember every single letter since i don't understand anything. Like as in, this one face right while this one faces the left and this one has a dot at the top and this one seems to be a dot in a bowl. You can imagine how hopeless I was and still am. I swear I'm moving to England or Canada if the government made a statement that everyone should start speaking in hindi.

Now I'm in high school and I'd rather take the 8th grade examinations any day than all these even more confusing high school examinations, and to think that this is just the beginning of life 😥. I wonder if i would go to hell if i were to kill myself, i mean, I'm not that bad except i never really obeyed my parents most of the time and occasionally read lemon😅(i know most of you do too so don't judge me) and I'm guilty of 5 of the 7 deadly sins. Hmm..... Maybe hell might not be so bad? 😥😭

As i said, i was a pretty normal student and not that hopeless and some might consider me smart but i know the truth, i know what going on in this head and it's not close to smart. 😂 

And whenever results came out, my parents seems more overjoyed than me even though i relentlessly told them that it was just easy, how angelic of me 😇 😒 and we'd celebrate it with chicken nuggets and sausage for dinner since its my favourite frozen food.

And one other thing that i love about my parents is that they believed me. As you have seen from the past chapters of how i was wronged by the she-devil aka math teacher. And since she failed me in that test, i was permanently unable to have a rank in the final exams which kinda saddened me greatly since its my last year and all, and i worked really hard that year. But my parents fully believe me and told me that as long as i have that knowledge, it doesn't matter if she failed me in that test and unable to get the rank i wanted because life doesn't revolve around just good marks and ranks. And we still celebrated it as usual.

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