The Nerds

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Okay, usually when you read about high school novels or novels based on any school, we always see that the nerds get bullied and everyone seems to worship the bitch/bullies. Well, in our case, it's exactly the opposite. As you see in the previous chapter (the Queen Bees), you can see how rotten their personalities were. Although we didn't voice out our opinions, we usually avoid them when they try to talk to us or we just straight up ignored them and just try to steer clear away from their path, not because we're afraid of them, but because it wasn't really pleasant to have a toxic company.

Anyway, about 'the nerds' in our class, well, they were the real gods and goddesses. We literally just worship their footsteps, i mean, they were the top of the food chain in our class. Till today, i don't know why most of the novels portray the nerds as a self insecure , un-confident and shy students, because in my class, no one even dares to argue with them, heck no one was even close to bullying them. And this still goes on in high school.

The nerds are the ones who have most friends because, well because they're just smarter than everyone else so we just want to get close to them. They really just seem to have it all, friends and academic wise. This is one of the little reasons why i think I'm lucky to be born in mizoram (Indian state) because bullying is so less that its close to 0%.

But there were about only 3 main nerds and about 4-5 others who didn't exactly qualify for the nerd title but very close to it. So, here we go.

1. Monchur: Well, from the name, you can immediately guess that he's from the mainland Indians, and that's partly correct. His family was originally from assam and they moved to mizoram when he was a little boy. He came to our school during the 1st grade and since he's 2 years behind in grade, the 1st grader us looked up to him like a big brother. He is very smart and no one else could/try to snatch the 1st rank from him so the others just mainly aim for the 2nd rank (you'd be surprised to see how unmotivated we are). He's super smart, and since hindi was already his mother tongue, it was easy for him to score good marks in there while we mizo students were struggling and he didn't have to take the mizo class since it was unnecessary for non-mizo students to take it, instead, they took alt. class which is mainly just another English class with stories (lucky b*tches😄) .

2. Elena: She joined our school at the 6th or 5th grade, i don't really remember but like most newcomers, she was smart and not so surprisingly made it to the top 10, to be exact, she stood 2nd, and just a small couple of marks behind monchur. Her father is a church pastor so everyone thinks that she got a special blessing from God😂 but of course she was a very hard working students and also she was pretty, like above average pretty and had a couple of courters but i never really heard her having a boyfriend. She carries a warm aura around her and it was always pleasant to be in her company.

3. Rebecca: our classmates used to call he snow white because of the amounts of powder she used, which she claimed, was all natural. Yeah right snow white😏. She not really a bitch but sometimes her attitude can be a bit unbearable. I don't remember when she joined our school but as i said before, she was one of the smart new students. She was good in maths and pretty normal in hindi, well she was good in every subject but it was not really excellent. To be honest, there wasn't really much of a competition so if you study normally and diligently learn for the test, you could easily made it to the top 10

Those were the three main nerds and there are about 5 people who didn't exactly qualify for the nerd title but are very close to it. Now, instead of writing their each description I'm just gonna write down their names and a small description because they're all smart and not really much more to say.

1. Zayn (the guy from the bad boy chapter whose ego is as high as the sky)

2. Zoe (the girl from the Queen Bees chapter also known as QB1. You know, the bitch)

3. Rin (you got that right, my best friend made it to the list and she's gonna deny it when she read this Ryn_Ryn_13)

4. Mark (his real name is same as mine but go to my bio and change the last letter of my name 'i' into 'a' because the name ending in 'i' is for the girls and ending with 'a' is for boys. Anyway, i proclaimed him my arch nemesis even though the feelings not mutual. He's always 1 rank ahead of me which irritates the hell out of me and he just adds fuel to the fire whenever he called me a grandma)

5. Melody (she's from the other section so i don't really know her but i know that she's one to the top students.)

Well, those are the nerds that i can remember. My memory is a little rusty since it was already 2 years ago
(brings back memories 😢😢)

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