"Ah ok good. Let's get going then".

With that me and Felix made our way to the garage to pick which car we wanted. We picked one and made our way there. The journey wasn't that awkward. It was more like comfortable silence. We talked for a little bit, after that we just listened to the radio whilst Felix drove.

"We're here"

"Yay finally. I'm starving!" I said jumping out the car.

"There's a restaurant cafe thing here. The foods really good"


Me and Felix walked into the restaurant and ordered our food. I got chicken and chips and Felix got a burger and chips.

"So what have you been up to lately Y/n?" Felix asked me.

"Not much. Just been spending time with Hyunjin and you guys"

"I can tell you've been spending time with Hyunjin" he snickered, raising an eyebrow.

"Wait what do you mean?" I fired back

"Have you seen your neck Y/n?"

"N-no. Is it bad?" I said as i touched my neck with my hands. It was tender. It felt as if Hyunjin's lips were still there. I tried covering it with my hair.

"It's pretty bad. Wouldn't let Chan see that if I was you". He giggled

"Ah. Can we stop at a makeup store so I can get some makeup to cover it up because I won't be able to run up to my run without Chan seeing me. Please" I begged

"Yeah sure". He found it very amusing.



"We said I love you to each other last night for the first time". I looked down with a blush in my face.

"Oh my god. Did you?!? That's so cute" he was fan boying. I started to laugh at him.

"Thanks. Anyways I think the food is coming over" I said looking at a waiter walking towards us with our order.

- - - - -
We finished our food and we was walking around the mall. Looking at different shops. Felix got some clothes and a pair of shoes. I got some dresses and other clothes, a bag, some makeup to cover up the hickeys Hyunjin left and a pair of shoes to.

"Thank you for today Felix"

"It's ok Y/n anytime" he ruffled my hair in a brotherly manner.

"Why didn't any of the other come today as well?"

"They um went on a mission."

"Oh ok. Hyunjin told me that it wasn't a dangerous one, so at least that's good"

"Yeah it's um just a little spying and hacking mission"

"Oh ok"

"We should be getting home it's nearly 5 and it's an hour drive back" Felix looked at his luxury expensive gold watch (😉😉).

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