+A very good team (RCB)+

Start from the beginning

Virat frowned hearing Kaka's words. He needed to do something as their captain and elder bro, it was his duty to make sure they were happy and well.

"Kaka, can you do me a favor?" Virat asked Kaka with hopeful big eyes which were impossible to say no too.

Kaka nodded looking overly suspicious at Virat as Virat whispered his plan in Kaka's ears. Kaka went away from there shaking his head and mumbling about crazy beings. Sure, that Kaka will do what was told to him. Vi sprinted towards Yuzi and AB's rooms. He knocked on Yuzi's rooms first, dragged the half-sleepy being out of the room and repeated the same with AB.

Those two were totally confused. Why were they being dragged in the corridors like this by their crazy captain? Virat didn't get hit in the head during the match, did he?

"Biscuit, you alright?" AB asked sharing a concerned look with Yuzi. Where will they find a mental hospital now?

"No" Virat replied still dragging them with him.

"Virat bhaiya, le kaha ja rhe ho? hotel khatam ho jayega" Yuzi complained, god, he was lying so comfortably in his bed and then his cap clashed with his door and dragged him away from his heaven.

Vi just glared at Yuzi's direction. Banged at Dev, Nav, Shiv, Chris, Finch, Umesh, Steyn and Parthiv's door equally vigorously waking them up from their relaxing stupor. The poor players in various states and stages of relaxation after the nightmarish match were disturbed by their vibrating captain and dragged towards their team room.

"God, please, god, please not a team meet right now," all the players groaned and prayed in their mind noticing their Cap looking in a totally "I mean business" mood.

"Um...what happened Vi?"


"You okay?"

The ones who knew their cap, well, and for sometimes dared to question him. Watching him marching on with all of them. They quite looked like nursery students who were woken up at 5 am for parade, half-asleep and totally not following the order assigned to them. They were trudging behind Virat like ducklings.

Virat didn't answer obviously. Too busy, in his mental planning.

"No, he isn't alright," Ab replied still being dragged around.

"He has gone bonkers," Yuzi confirmed. Why was he being dragged along with AB?? He didn't know. Did Virat bhai really think he'll run away or something if he let go?

The team didn't know what to think about this to be truthful.

Thankfully, for the mental well being of the team. They reached the team dressing room. Virat motioned for all of them to sit and as if they were just waiting for that command all of them slumped over the bean bags. Well, everyone besides AB and Yuzi for Virat was still holding their hands.

AB and Yuzi shot Virat totally displease looks while eyeing the bean backs with lovey-dovey eyes. Why were they standing when everyone was sitting? And what the hell is going through Virat's mind.

"TEAM, we have a very important mission," Virat said in a drill master commanding tone.

His team looked back at him totally confused. Pondering, whether he hit his head hard or what? What mission? He knows they're cricketers right??

"What mission?" Dale asked sounding totally confused, while everyone else mirrored his expression.

And the RCB newbies like Philippe and Zampa wondered whether their cap was always this crazy or this was a recent occurrence? Unknown to them, the old players were wondering the same thing.

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