c h a p t e r - e l e v e n

Start from the beginning

"You just left everything and agreed for a road trip just because your sister was in a mess? Common. Don't lie to yourself, Ahana," he said again challenging her intentions. Ahana frowned hearing him.

"You needed this break for whatever reasons. Don't put it out on your sister," Chirag said and let out a small chuckle.

"Then why are you here?" Ahana asked being irritated with the question. She knew very well why she was there on the road but she didn't want to answer anyone.

"My friend cum brother was in deep shit because of his girlfriend so just trying to save him," Chirag said casually.

"Bullshit..." Ahana said challenging him now as she let out a laugh, "I can say that too." Chirag eyed her for sometime before speaking again.

"I go to these kinds of trips every month, Ahana. It's not new for me," he said casually again, "Meeting people, having fun, wasting time." He stopped to look at Ahana.

"But you are different," he said further. Ahana sighed and gritted her teeth hearing those words. She hated that thing. That people just put her in some category and assume a few things.

"I don't want to be different. I am tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. I am just done for good. She is so good that she won't do anything wrong. It burdens me. The expectations," she said with a little irritation. Chirag didn't say anything and let her speak.

"I felt suffocated in my own house with my own people. No one understands. I don't have many friends. I envy Aayrah sometimes. She is leaving her life to the fullest unlike me," Ahana finishing with a little smile.

"So that was your reason to run away? To rebel?" Chirag asked after a few moments.

"Rebel?" Ahana asked with a frown. Chirag shrugged again.

"I mean you lied to your parents. Probably for the first time. You went for a road trip alone with your sister because you wanted to prove something to someone or more like to yourself," he said speaking as he knows her too well. Ahana's frown deepened with each word he spoke. It made her irritated that he just assumes everything about her without knowing or even trying to know more.

She always knew she liked Chirag or more like had a crush on him but now as she is knowing him it was different. She hated the fact that he is just like everyone who assumes things about her.

"Maybe. I wanted to try the thrills. I thought I might go with some friends but then Aayrah got fired and I thought why not. She has always been a rebel and knows no limits so..." she was saying but Chirag cut her in middle and thought of speaking for her.

"So you thought let's go with my own sister as I won't have to feel scared in her presence. She will take care of most of the things with her badass attitude. It's better than going with some friend," he said and chuckled much to her irritation.

"That's not true. You know nothing," she said with slight anger.

"Besides, I am pretty sure it's not just a monthly trip for you as well. So don't talk high about me and care for your own self," she said challenging Chirag again. He shrugged.

"Okay, that's fine too," he said and got up from his seat when he saw a bunch of girls making entry into the stadium premises. He has a huge smile on his face when he gritted those girls.

Ahana rolled her eyes and got up taking her side bag in hands. Now she regretted coming here with him and thought it was better if she would have gone with Aayrah but lately everyone was irritating her so she thought of going on her own for today leaving the car with Chirag who anyway didn't care.

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