Keith and new pack

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A few hours Keith woke up he left to go back to his room and get changed to his work out and head to the small training deck to work out and things.


Thace and Kolivan wake up and then do not see Keith and The gep up to find Keith but Ulaz stops him and says "let him be. He needs to think about what he wants."


Once they all up the open the door and Regris and ask " what i miss" they explain what happened with Keith and tell him that they have asked Keith to join their pack. He asks "if he should talk to Keith about him joining the pack one kit to one kit.

Thace say " that it my be a good plan"

"Ok" Regris said "i will talk to him in a few Varga"

"Let get some food" say Kolivan


About 3 and half Varga later Regris found Keith in the last training deck by himself on level 25 out 100 of the training bots and Keith was thrown across the room and yelled stop level. Regris ran to him to see if he was ok.

Keith say "that he was ok"

Regris say "that he was no and he need to go to the med bay" and help him to get up

Keith says " that he just needed to go to his room and to ice and it was just bruises."

"Ok" Regris say and help him to get to his room and set him to is bed

Keith says " go to the bathroom and in the right top drawer he has ice packs." and ask "What are you doing Regris?"

Regris got the ice packs and gave it to Keith and said " Thace asked to talk to him about him joining the pack."

Keith say "that he fine by himself"

"Why" Regris say

Keith says " Because that's how I grew up."

"What" Regris say "how"

" I never knew my mom and my dad died when I was 5 and I did have a good family when I met Shiro and the rust of the paladins.

Regris says "wow i know the feeling."

"What?" Keith say "how"

"Well i never knew dad because he died when i was a baby and i lost my mom when i was teen the way you say it and kolivon and his pack take me in and help me with the loss." Regris said

"I don't know what to do and I guess that training helped me to think. Like it do for me" keith said

"Let's say that you try and give it a go and see what they do and do you think if you sak Kolivon that he may know who your mom may be and help you to get to know her." Regris said

"Ok I will give it a try and I will ask Kolivon about my mom. Think Regris" keith say

"You're welcome keith" say Regris

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