Kit Keith

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Start writing your story

Author notes: this is my fist book I am writing and there may be spelling and grammar our. and also the Pictures are not mine.

It had been a month since Keith had been at the Blade of Marmora headquarters. Ulaz is frustrated with Keith that he had not shown up for his medical file and his first appointment in the med bay. So Ulaz goes to Keith's room early in the morning to take Keith to the med bay to do his medical file also his first appointment. He knock on Keith door, and Keith says "come in." Ulaz enter Keith room and sees Keith with a pencil and a book with white pages, he ask "what are you doing.                                          
Keith say " that he sketching in his sketching book."

Ulaz say" to come to the med bay with him to do his medical file and his first check-up"

Keith say "ok." so Keith and Ulaz go in to the med bay to one of the exam room to do the check-up and his medical file. so Keith got on to the exam bed and Ulaz ask him the first question "his fall name and, his birthday, and his age"                 
Keith say" Keith Akira Kogane and his birthday is October 23. and he is 18 year old". And Ulaz face expression was shocked. In Keith mind is going crazy that Ulaz face expression when heard that his age was 18. he asked,"

is there some thing wrong with his age" he's ask nervously.

then Ulaz say " there nothing wrong with his age and ask if he will go back to his room till he come and take to him again." and Keith nod and leave the room. And Ulaz call his pack to come to his office. His pack is himself and his mate Thace, Kolivan and his mate Antok, and the also adult kit Regris.


Ten minutes all his pack min Regris was in his office. And Kolivan ask " what is going on."
Ulaz said " it about the newest member Keith, I was work with him to do his medical file and his age to what this is about."                                                       Thace said " what about his age?'
Ulaz said " that he is 18 and a kit." everyone face was shocked.
Antok say " where is he we need to tell hm the he can' fight in this war, and we can't have a young kit be in a war."
Ulaz say " that in human 18 is the start of adult, so we can't do that we will have to talk to him to see what he what to do. And also I send him back to his room before I call you gay.

When they got to Keith door the knock on his door and when there was no answer. they knock one more time. Then Kolivan used his hand to open the door to see the Keith asleep on his bed with his sketching book in his hand and with is sketching pencil is also in his hand. Then they see his room so empty and he have like no thing in his room and, this is no way for a kit to live. So the all look at each other and Thace been to pick up Keith and bring him to there pack room to have a good nap with his new pack.

A hours have past and Keith start to wake up and see Kolivan, and Antok, and Thace, and Ulaz so he sit up and he ask "what is going on?"
Thace said " you are 18 and a kit and a young one."
Keith said " but I not a kid or a kit and what is that is even?"
Antok answer him " a kit is the Galra word for kid. And we all know that you are an adult in human."
And Ulaz say " we want to know if you what to join our pack."
Keith ask " what a pack is it like a family?"
Ulaz answer him " yes it is like a family we all are in this pack Kolivan, and  Antok, and Thace, and Ulaz, and Regris."
Keith ask " But why would you want me?"
Kolivan say " become kit should not be alone."
Keith say " you don't have to. I fine my by myself I be lit that all my life."
Thace asked " what you mean by that Keith."
Keith say " I do not know my mom, It was me and my dad living together. then my dad died when I was 5. and then I went to foster home to foster home, till I was 13 then I met Shiro and join the Galaxy Garrison. then I was 16 when I got left the Galaxy Garrison, and live in my old home that is in the desert for a year look for the blue lion but at the time I did not know what it was to was."
Thace said " you was so alone and not kit should be but we will not go to make you do everything a kit will do but we would like you to eat an ever meal and at least take a nap after you train and you will also train a lot less then you have been doing ok."
Keith say "ok" and then he went back to sleep.

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