"Did you hear what they kept calling us?" Dina asked.

"Scars?" Ellie replied.

"I wonder if that's who made all those murals." Dina said.

"And gutted all those Wolves." Dylan said.

"Everyone in this city is a fucking psycho." Dina informed.

Dylan looked to Dina and smiled.

"Does that include us and Tommy?" Dylan asked.

Dina shook her head with a grin. Dylan chuckled slightly and smiled at Dina, glad to see a smile on his best friend's face.

Suddenly, Dylan's smile washed from his face as he heard screams in the distance.

"Oh God!!" A WLF soldier screamed.

"The fuck?" Ellie asked.

The trio continued through the tunnels following the red glow up ahead. They entered a small room, finding a body slumped up against a barred window.

"Jesus...Have you ever seen anything like this?" Dina asked.

"Bloaters have acid spores...but that didn't sound like a bloater." Dylan answered as he examined the body.

"Whatever the fuck they're fighting, we should let them kill each other." Ellie informed.

Ellie headed up a nearby ladder and was then followed by Dina and Dylan.

"Dead clicker." Ellie informed.

"My favourite kind." Dina replied.

Ellie looked across the room.

"Got another ladder across there." Ellie informed.

"Okay...How do we get to it?" Dina asked.

Dylan looked around, spotting a wire cable by Ellie's foot.

"Ellie, try the wire by your foot. That should get us across." Dylan stated.

Ellie grabbed the wire and threw it over the pipe running across the room.

"That'll do." Ellie said.

Ellie jumped over to the cable, swinging across to the other side. Ellie began to climb up the ladder as Dina and Dylan made it across.

"Ladder's broken. We'll have to find another way." Ellie informed before she began to climb down.

Dylan found a door and headed inside, finding an open vent.

"Got a vent we can crawl through." Dylan informed.

Ellie entered the room and looked at the vent.

"Nice find, bro." Ellie said before she entered the vent.

Dina and Dylan followed after Ellie, heading into the vent.

"Got another shambler! Just get out of here!" A WLF soldier informed, "Sal, watch out!!"

"Shit!!" Another WLF soldier yelled.

"I got you, I got you." A WLF soldier said.

"Fuck, go, go!!" The other WLF soldier yelled as the shambler approached them.

The twins and Dina watched as the shambler filled the room with gas, killing the two WLF soldiers.

The twins and Dina watched as the shambler filled the room with gas, killing the two WLF soldiers

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