Part 23

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Draco's POV

"Why can't you tell me where you are going?" I asked my mother.

"I'm meeting with Y/Ns mother." My mother sighed.

"Oh please, please don't tell Y/N, you know I don't want to do this!" I pleaded.

"Y/N already knows, darling." My mother smiled, sadly.

"What!? No! Why-"

"She's part of it Draco! She's helping you." My mother cut me off.

Without another word she left. So Y/N had been chosen by him as well? We were in it together? I'm not even sure if we're on good terms now I have to do something that I don't want to do with her? I wonder if she wants to do it.... no probably not, she's friends with Potter and all she wouldn't betray them like that, would she?


Bloody hate my father, he thinks he can come back here and act like he owns this place? I don't care if he's the dark Lord, making me and Malfoy- making me and Draco do his dirty work. He sounds like a coward to me, why doesn't he bloody kill Dumbledore himself, putting it all on two bloody teenagers.

"Y/N! Can you stop stropping around your room please!" My mother screamed, bursting through my bedroom door. "I can hear your loud foot steps from downstairs!"

"No! I want to know why I have to do fathers dirty work!" I shouted back at my mother.

"You know why, Y/N Riddle!" She spat at me.

"No I don't because you've kept me in the dark about it forever and now suddenly I've got to do tasks for him." I retaliated.

She didn't say anything and just slammed my door shut behind her.
I flopped down onto my bed, with a sigh. I wonder what Draco thinks of this, I wonder if he knows more than I do, probably not, you'd think I'd know it all with Voldemort being my dad, I think all me and Draco know is that Voldemort chose us to do the task. I don't want to do it, I really don't. It's always something at that bloody school, I just wanted a normal school life like, making friends, arguing with people, prancing teachers and other students, even falling in love or little high school crushes but no...

I dragged myself along to meet with Draco and Narcissa, you'd think I'd be happy, seeing Draco but that's not what we're here for.
Narcissa pulled me into a hug outside Borgin and Burkes, where the first part of our task was.

"I don't want to do this." I admitted.

"I know, Y/N..." Narcissa said, looking sympathetic, "I wish he hadn't picked you and Draco." She whispered.

She walked into the shop while me and Draco hesitated outside for a second.

"Why don't we go buy love potions from Fred and George's shop and slip them into students drinks when we go back to school?" I asked Draco, pointing at the direction of the shop.

"And when your father finds out? He'll kill us!" Draco scoffed.

"Yeah well then he probably won't kill me because I'm his daughter but I tell him to kill me and spare you-"

"Then you'll be dead!" Draco interrupted.

"That's better than you being dead!" I argued

Draco took a deep breath, "come on." He sighed, holding my hand as we walked in.

Inside was a few death eaters, well I mean that includes me and Draco, they showed us to the wardrobe looking thing, apparently it's a vanishing cabinet and there's another one in Hogwarts but it's broken and me and Draco have to fix it. Once we've fixed it, it'll be used to get the other death eaters into the school, then Draco has to kill Dumbledore...
While Narcissa was telling Draco something I noticed one of the death eaters looking up at the windows, he quickly closed the curtains meaning someone must have been watching but who? This place was pretty much deserted apart from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which was filled with students, but what students are nosey enough to follow us? Whoever they are must've seen us go in.

Me and Draco sat together on the train, he sat next to me, staring at the seat in front while I looked out the window.

"You two seem happy." Blaise said.

He sat down with Pansy, her opposite me, and Blaise opposite Draco. None of us said anything at first. When suddenly the carriage went dark, Draco stood up to see what was going on.

"It's probably just first years messing around, come on Draco, sit down, we'll be at Hogwarts soon." Pansy said standing up.

I glared at her, wait why did I glare at her? I'm not jealous. Draco took his seat again, next to me.

"Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school. Think I'd pitch myself off the astronomy tower if I thought I had to continue for another two years." Draco scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked, leaning over the table.

I turned to face the window and began to mimic her as I rolled my eyes.

"Lets just say I don't think I see me wasting my time in charms class next year." Draco replied.

Blaise sniggered.

"Amused, Blaise? Let's see just who's laughing in the end." Draco spat.

I took a deep breath and leaned back against my seat, I moved my eyes to look at Draco, who's looking up, suspiciously.

"You three go on, I wanna check something." Draco says.

Blaise and Pansy leave, while I'll stay.

"Draco?" I say quietly.

"I told you to go on, Y/N! Just wait for me on the platform!" Draco shouts and I do as he says.

I sheepishly walk off the train, I'm stood for a good few minutes before Draco finally steps off the train.
I grab his hand and we begin to walk towards the school.

"Names?" Professor Flitwick asks.

Me and Draco both say our names, and we head on in, but we are stopped and get searched.

"What's this cane here then?" The man asked Draco.

"It's not a cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick." Draco spat at the man.

I couldn't help but laugh, then I looked up to see Harry and Luna, Harry's face was all bloody though.

"I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy." Snape said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Nice face, Potter!" Draco shouted, when he noticed I was looking at Harry.

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