A talk

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*at nightime, in Techno Reef*

Reef Marina: Hmm, you know, I wonder how the king is doing.

Bliss Marina: Hey, bro? You've seen Trollex? He hasn't been doing raves a lot.

Reef Marina: Possibly in the Moon Universe. I'll go see. *swims up to land*

*near the fishing hook*

Reef Marina: *phone ringing* Hello? No. What? The Spirit Realm? Coming back? *giggles* I'm sorry, but you cannot come back, not after . . . wait, what? An army? *gulps* Can I call you back? *hangs up* *screams*

*in The Moon Universe*

Reef Marina: Trollex, Trollex, I have to tell you . . . *sees him just sittin'* *swims up* Hey, you alright?

King Trollex: *sighs* Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just stressed right now. Now that I'm Moon God, my service revolves around me and the doors.

Reef Marina: Well, chin up. You got this.

King Trollex: I'm just so stressed right now and I really don't need more.

Reef Marina: *chuckles nervously*

King Trollex: Something wrong?

Reef Marina: I hate to burst your bubble, but . . . *chuckles nervously* . . . He's coming back.

King Trollex: *open-eyed look*

Reef Marina: Buddy, you alright? All I said was . . .

King Trollex: *passes out*

Reef Marina: *open-eyed look* Oh, crap.

King Trollex in the Moon Universe 2: Kai's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now