The Human World/First Collectable

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*The Human World, 2020*

*right after the huge battle, a bull lands in a man's room*

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*right after the huge battle, a bull lands in a man's room*

Kai: *groans* Where am I? And where is that fish?

*something drops, noticing his attention, the man's face shocked*

The Author: EEE! I can't believe it!

Kai: Wait, you're not afraid of me? The Jade Slayer?

The Author: Nope! *grabs a DVD of Kung Fu Panda 3*

Kai: Whoa. Anyway . . . I am Kai. Maker of Widows, The Jade Slayer . . .

The Author: I know who you are.

Kai: You do? *sighs* Wow. *inside his mind* This is perfect! A mortal idiot! I just give him a few questions, do a fight outside, and steal his Chi! Easy! I'm coming, blue fish! *in person* Say, what is this place?

The Author: Welcome to the Human World!

Kai: The . . . Human World?

The Author: Yep!

Kai: And how many people live in this World?

The Author: About 7 Trillon.

Kai: *gasps, inside his mind* Oh, wow! I've hit the jackpot! 7 trillion people means that I could be unstoppable!

The Author: Yep, this place is nice.

Kai: So, can we talk in those woods, privately?

The Author: Umm . . . Sure?

Kai: *inside his mind* Phase 1 complete.

*in the woods*

Kai: So, do you like fights? Cause I don't know where the Spirit Realm is. Do you know?

The Author: Umm, that place doesn't exist here.

Kai: That's okay, that's okay. Cause I just wanted to have a fight and steal . . . I mean, borrow your chi.

The Author: *gasps* You wanna steal my Chi? Mine, exactly? Eee!

Kai: Okay, most people just cower. Am I sure I haven't been bonked on the head when I got here? Ah, whatever, let's do this. But first, I have to ask a question. And this might be stupid but . . . How do you like your Chi stolen? Oh, wow, I can't believe I'm saying this. Do you like it stolen like circles or the Jade version? Did I really just say that?


Kai: *evil smile* This shall be fun. Any last words?

The Author: I wuv you.

Kai: Ugh, this place is too cute.

*Kai grabs the author and spins him around*

The Author: Umm, you do know humans are sensitive, right?

Kai: Well, I just came here.

*He then drops him down a cliff, and uses his Jade Blades to trap him*

The Author: Eee, the chains!

*Kai uses one hand to float him up, and one hand glows green, starting the process*

The Author: *looks at Jade coming up* Cool! You will turn me back to normal, right?

Kai: Sure! But I make no promises.

The Author: Uh-oh. *looks at Jade absorbing the chin*

Kai: Just two more seconds.

*The Author closes his eyes, excepting his Jade-y fate, as the Jade absorbed him completely, using Kai's green hands to divert him into a Jade amulet*

Kai: At last. The first one for my new collection. I'm coming fishy, and I'll be ready. *evil laugh* KAI WILL RETURN! *Lightning strike*


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Kai's Revenge

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