I'm Still Standing

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*in the TWT world*

King Trollex: Ahh, it's such a lovely day. So lovely, I feel like breaking into song!

Beat Drop Button: Dude, you've earned it.

King Trollex: Okay. *sighs* Let's sing our hearts out.

King Trollex:
You could never know what it's like, your blood like Winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold and lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use

*King Trollex swims to the surface, ready to greet the day*

King Trollex:
And did ya think this fool could never win?
Well look at me, i'mma coming back again
I got a taste of love in a simple way
And if you need to know while I'm still standing, you just fade away

*Trollex swims to Volcano Rock City doing a few flips on the way*

King Trollex:
Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did?
Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid!

*flashbacks the World Tour, the Nightcore World Tour and the battle with Kai*

King Trollex:
And I'm still standing after all this time
Picking up the pieces of my life without that bull on my mind!

*opens the Volcano Rock City doors*

King Trollex:
I'm still standing, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! X2

*flashbacks to his early years*

King Trollex:
Once, I could never hope to win
You start down the road, leaving me again
The threats you made were meant to cut me down
And if I didn't win, I'd feel like a clown right now!

*stops flashbacking*

King Trollex:
You know, I'm still standing
Better than I ever did
Looking like a true survivor
Feeling like a little kid
Oh, I'm still standing after all this time!
Picking out the pieces of my life without that bull on my mind!
I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah! X2

King Trollex: Ahh, another song in the bag! *grabs on the fishing up and climbs up* Hello, Moon Universe!

*in the Human World*

Kai: Ahh, I've hit it. The jackpot. What was once Oogway's legacy will now be Trollex's legacy. And with my new amulet *grabs The Author's amulet* I will be ready. *drops it down showing a Jade version of The Author, Kai laughs* After all, it's just 7 Trillion people. What could go wrong? You know, dude, I was very, very, very, VERY CLOSE to taking Trollex's chi, but this time, I'll be ready, and I will take his Chi once and for all!

*knock knock knock*

Kai: Hello?

Friend: Hi, I'm The Author's friend, is he avaliable?

Kai: Why yes, he is. *shows a Jade amulet of him*

Friend: *gasps* What did you do with him?

Kai: Do you want to know?

Friend: I guess?

Kai: *grabs his Jade amulets, traps him, closes the door and swings him in*

Friend: What are you doing?

Kai: I'm letting you join him . . . and my collection. Now where's a balcony? Ah-ha!

*on the balcony*

Kai: *uses his glowing green hands to float him up and start the process, Jade absorbing his body already*

Friend: *looks at the green jade* Um, what is that?

Kai: What, you haven't seen jade before? I'm the Jade Slayer, Kai. And you are a part of my collection.

*the green jade absorbes his body, making him close his eyes, as the whole jade absorbes him, turning him into an amulet*

Kai: Another one in the collection. I'm gonna need more holders.

Chi collected so far:

The Author
The Author's Friend

King Trollex in the Moon Universe 2: Kai's RevengeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz