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Chapter 20.

I flicked Key head off my shoulder as I tried to get up from this uncomfortable seat his giraffe neck lil head ass been laying on me since we first got in this car I couldn't even fall asleep

I should punch this nigga in the face bruh for getting all his sleep in meanwhile I didn't get any

"Key get up we here" I mushed his head getting up

"Yes Lord we finally here" Fat yelled jumping up from his seat "By time cause damn"

"Why you yelling bruh?" Woo ask opening his eyes

"Cause we here nigga now get up we got shit to do" he said grabbing his bags

"I know I do" Maya said she got up yawning

"Y'all got shit to do imma go in there and lay down" I mumbled to myself

"Don't yawn in my face with yo breath smelling like that girl what the hell" Kee snapped at her

"Oh shut up my breath smell good" she wave him off

Everybody up in here got to get them some sleep in except of me and ion like dat I bet her breath is kicking. Fat, Woo, Kee, and Maya got out the car we all rode in one while Yanni, Herb, Mia, Teda, and Roc rode in the other one

We was all gone ride together but it was last minute so we had to ride how we was gone ride I mean Herb did hire 2 cars & 2 drivers

I looked over at Key his stupid ass was still knocked out that's what he really get staying out all night talking about he crashed at his momma crib

He think I'm so damn slow which I'm not he knew Meika was gone tell me he didn't crash there. Ian tripping doe cause we ain't really together fasho we just be fucking so therefore he ain't have to really come to my crib, but he ain't have to lie either

That's why ion take him serious how you gone say you want us to be together and you want me moving to LA with you and you do some stupid ass shit like stay at other bitches crib ion get niggas I fucking don't

I swung my suitcase and hit him right on the head making him jump up

"The fuck you do that shit for?" Key snapped "Hard ass suitcase"

"Wake yo bitch ass up lucky charm I like my fish wet and squirmy" I laughed sounding like Damon on Friday after Next I watched that movie last night before going to sleep

"You fucking play too much man damn" he said with a deep tone in his voice he got up from the seat and grabbed his bags

"I could've let you stayed in this damn car in die of carbon monoxide" I rolled my eyes at him "You should be thanking me"

"Thank you some shit you lucky asfuck Ian in the mood" he smacked his lips making his way outta the car

Ugly ass I could've just got out and left him up in here

I got out the car we both went inside the cabin it looks straight a little I guess this would do. Everybody was already inside checking the place out it look bigger on the inside

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