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Chapter 27.

Can my birthday get anymore interesting? Who would've knew that'll I'll bump into her ever again. I mean I know I wouldn't have she was sentenced to 5 years, but they cut her sentence down some to 2. How would I know? She told me in our jail cell we shared

This is one of my biggest secret. Nobody knew not even Teda when we was in the same place. Key nem recently found out I had a threesome but they don't know when precisely and who it was with. I'm counting on y'all to keep this secret cause I don't swing that way no more, well I never did lil baby just turned me out

You would've thought something like this would happen in prison but hunty it happens in jail houses too so yeah. Her name is Jay she was my girl for 3 months. It wasn't the whole 3 months cause I was still claiming Key even though he was doing me dirty when I was locked up

"Damn you can't speak? I got you star struck or something ma?" She asked, chuckling a bit showing all 32 of her perfectly white teeth's

She surely did starstruck me cause how in the hell? You know what imma just ask-

"I'm surprised to see you that's all" I shrugged, covering my jacket over my stomach although you still could see it

She sat down in front of me licking her lips. Those lips man man man how could I ever forget them? WAIT Sia girl hush that's over with so chill . I mean it don't have to be do it? Ew why am I thinking like this I have a whole babydaddy I'm not turning that way

Ion care how good her lips look! And whew they damn sure mighty look good, but I'll be okay I went all this time without them

"I could say the same thing I had to really take a good look at you. I knew I remembered that pretty face of yours" she said

Now that I'm not in jail I cringe so hard hearing her say that. It still don't take the fact away that she's fine, and them dreadlocks baby take me away right now. She kind of favors Kara, Key cousin but Jay was finer. Kara is the Walmart version of her sorry not sorry

"Pulease stop it don't sound the same" I held my hand up shaking my head

"So what you doing down here? Why you leave Memphis?" She asked, staring I swear her eyes didn't leave my body not once since I sat down

"I'm down here with my baby father" I mumbled clearing my throat a bit "What about you?" I returned the question

"With my big brother he offered me to stay with him so I wouldn't get in no more trouble down there in 901" she said

"That's good cause you don't need to get in any more trouble" I said nodding my head

She's like a real life nigga you wouldn't even think she's a girl all the stuff she done did and went through. She realer than half of them wannabe thug niggas in Memphis real spill. She did time twice, one for not snitching and Ian gone get into the other reason but just know she about what she say she about

"Nah trouble don't need to get to me" she said making me burst out into laughter I can't stand her sometimes "So when did you get knocked up? And who did it?" She asked

"Around October sometimes and he's actually my first love"

"Damn that was around the time you got out of jail" she said while I just nodded my head "So you got out, forgot about me, and went straight dickly that's cold I thought we had something special. I was really dreaming about your ass that first week you left" she facepalmed herself

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