Blue or Hazel/ His Soul

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Based off of the 2019 movie The Prodigy, go watch it! It's worth it dammit!

Rapunzel- Sarah Blume
Varian- Miles Blume
Cassandra- Margaret St. James
Eugene- Edward Scarka
Lance- Random Farmer Dude

Rapunzel dropped the gun she'd pointed at Cass. "I can't do it." She sobbed. "I'm sorry, I can't do it..."

Cassandra looked in shock at the younger boy standing next to her, two different colored eyes staring at her with hate and frustration. "Which do you like more?" He asked, a gravely edge to his voice. He raised a knife to his blue eye, switching to his brown one.

"Blue...or hazel?" Varian inquired. "Blue, or hazel? Blue, or hazel?"

The black haired woman stared at him, fear hitting her like a bus. "That's what Eugene said the night I met him..." She mumbled.

Varian rushed at her, stabbing her in the side, forcing Cass to fall to the ground. Varian climbed over her, standing and stabbed her again, not pulling the knife out. Rapunzel tried to get him off of her, but he kicked her foot out from under her. He cut a deep gash into her stomach. She gasped in pain and kicked under him.

The last words she heard were, "You should never have left me..."


"You took my son's soul." Rapunzel said, voice shaking, to the young boy in front of her. He was smirking. "You will not take his body!" She pulled out the gun, threatening to shoot Varian to kill Eugene.

Varian fell to the ground as a gunshot broke through the air. He opened his eyes, looking at Rapunzel in confusion, who was laying next to him, gasping. He looked up and saw Lance, holding a rifle.

He hadn't seen a woman trying to stop a murderer from hurting anyone else....He'd seen an insane psycho lady thing to murder a young child. "Jesus...." He muttered.

Eugene made the Varian begin crying and forced his body to run to Lance. He wrapped his arms around him and sobbed into his shirt. Lance put an arm around Varian protectively.

"Sh-she was g-going to kill me..." Varian sobbed, not believing this man could be so stupid.

"You're safe're safe." Yep...stupid.


His new foster mother stood in front of him. "Wanna go see your room, Varian?"

The boy stared ahead, emotionless, but then smiled and nodded excitedly.

He walked into his room, covered in a ridiculous amount of blue. On the wall, was his name in blue letters.

He turned and looked in the mirror, seeing Eugene in his reflection. Eugene smirked as Varian began humming.

He had full control of the child.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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