The Flower

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Cass X Raps!

Cassandra watched as the 7 year old brunette walked through the forest, her bare feet tickling from the grass. She smiled as she saw Rapunzel's carefree face.

"Wow, Pascal! Look at the flower!" She ran to a beautiful pink and white faded flower. She pulled out a small notebook and a quill. She began to sketch it. She'd paint it when she got home. "We should show mom!"

Cass ran to her when she reached out to it. "Might not want to touch that." She said, loud enough for the younger one to hear. The 11 year old brushed the black hair out of her own face. "Vixenlily. It could hurt you."

Rapunzel looked back at the flower. "Something that pretty can hurt?" She looked at Cass with wide, confused eyes as the older female nodded. "Wow..."

"I could show you some flowers that don't hurt." Cass offered, holding out her hand. Rapunzel looked down for a split second. Then, reached up and grabbed it.

The first one they looked at was Rapunzel's favorite. "Zhiitoblossum. We can call it our special flower." Cass had said, picking the orange, red, and green plant and tucking it in Rapunzel's hair. Rapunzel giggled as Pascal lied on a rock.

They saw all kinds of different flowers. Roses, Bimberries, Eisen, Clovers. Until Raps had to go home.

They met in the woods every day after that. Until one day, 3 years later Cass didn't show up. Rapunzel remembered the sickness that had been killing people in Corona and ran home, crying.


7 years later

Rapunzel placed the Zhiitoblossum in a crease in her hair as she saw her reflection in the mirror. She'd denied the veil so that she could wear a Zhiitoblossum, hoping that Cass could see it where she was. "Our special flower." She whispered, tears falling down her face.

She heard a knock at her door. "Come in."

Her father came in, wiping his eyes as he saw his daughter in her wedding dress. She smiled, tears in her eyes as she looped her arm through his.

She took a deep breath, looked at Eugene at the alter, and walked through the aisle to her husband-to-be.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! Been busy with stuff!

I know that this was a Raps X Cass one, but I added Raps X Eugene in there.


Cause I wanted to.

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