The Mistake.

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This one was inspired by the alternate ending from the new reboot of the horror movie, "The Turning".

Here's how it works so no one gets confused.

Rapunzel- Flora
Varian- Miles
Eugene- Quint
The Reader- Kate

As you run out the doors of the castle, you hear Eugene's footsteps behind you. How he touches the ground, you can only fathom. He was dead. A ghost.

Your breathing gets quicker and heavier as you run to the garden. You stop in the middle next to a statue. You begin frantically looking around. He could strike from anywhere. Gradually, your breathing slows.

"Y/n." You hear a boy's voice calmly shout. You turn to the way you heard it and see Varian, looking tired and creeped out.

You have no time to react when you hear Eugene's footsteps again. "No!" You scream as he grabs your shoulders. You breathe deeply. "No!" He slams your forehead into a pillar and chuckles darkly. He continues laughing as you slam him into the pillar. You grab his shoulders and push him onto the ground.

When you force him tonlay on the ground, you get on top of him, grabbing his throat. He still laughs. You slam your hands down, and hear his neck crack. He stops laughing and clutches you hands. You feel him kicking under you, but you don't let go. You slam you hands down again. His face goes pale and his eyes close.

"Stop it, you're killing him!" You hear a girl's voice this time. You look up and see Rapunzel running toward you, tears streaming down her face. "You're killing him- Get off him!"

Confused and afraid, you look down again. And cry out. You weren't strangling Eugene.

You were strangling Varian.

You gasp as Rapunzel shouts again. "Get off him!"

She gets close enough and shoves you off of Varian. "Get! Off!" She shrieks.

She begins shaking his chest, crying. "Varian, wake up!" You watch, crawling to the pillar, blood running from your forehead into your eyes. She was sobbing. "Varian, wake up. Please, wake up."

As you watch on, she shakes harder. "Varian, wake up!" She continues to shriek. "Varian!"

Rapunzel sobs and pulls her hands to her mouth as you watch, gaping.

You both look down and Varian's lifeless body. You both gasp as he turns his head back.

He opens his mouth and a spider's leg crawl out. Followed by another. And more. You watch as the spider's body emerges from his mouth. He gags and chokes on it. As it crawls. Then, when it's out, it scurries away. He closes his mouth.

Suddenly, Varian's eyes open. He shoots up, clutching his neck and gasping for air. He looks from Rapunzel to you. He has a cold dead expression on his face. When he let go of his neck, Rapunzel crawled over to him and hugged him. She cries into his shoulder for a while.

When she let's go, she whispers. "You're alive." He turned his head to look at her and smiled.

"I think so."

Rapunzel pulls away and they both laugh.

You let out a shaky, breathless laugh of relief. He looks you up and down as Rapunzel stands up, giggling. He rubs his neck again. You stare at him, breathing hard and don't look away.

Suddenly, you turn your head to the door.

You let out a piercing scream as it slams shut.

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