"Yes, agree"

I am thinking this is something, the ever talking mistress Hsu Myat avoiding this.... Hummmm?

"Maung? So which songs do you listening these days? How about trying the one you have been listening, the time is short and hope you don't have much time to practice you know"

"OOO yes, Ko Ko what are you listening now?"

"Until you"

I instantly mistakenly drop it, I cannot take it anymore...they all just AWWWWW to me, now I have to sing it..

"WOWOWOW that song is good, in solo with guitar ohhhh groundbreaking .....we have to tell the stage manager to create fantastic background and lighting too, ...oh this is going to be awesome"

I just smile at them and nod my head confirm for them. I just want to make everything and everyone happy for my short timing.

"So Maung, it settles then"

Ma Cho asked me for the second time to make sure, I nod my head and confirm that I am going to do it.

"So, this is settled then, I am going to practice well, don't worry OK Ma? Call me whatever you need OK?"

"Yes Yes, I will are you sure you're free for it"

"Oh sure I have time for that. Actually my class already finished you know for the NGO"

"Maung, rest more ok, you look so weak lately, drink more water too your lips need moister"

"Yes, Ko Ko is you alright?"

"UGH I am fine. Don't worry. So I am going back now, I left Ko Oo alone at the shop I have to go back"

"Oh oh I am going with you too Kaung"

The whole time she's not saying a word but now? I can't tell her not to so ...

"Hey I am going to get a taxi you know, but if you want to go with me you have to pay it too"

"Oh come on, I won't pay it Ma Cho I am going with him ..."

"Hey...don't fighting on the way too..."

"YES we won't"

I tickle on her waist and go around the car which the sun light blocks. She pushed me too but she lost the seat.


OH dear, I looked at his back, he slowly walked away still messing around each other, happy to see him going through but I felt sorry though listening Until You ... oh dear.. You are really feeling alone aren't you dear oh my little Maung.

"Hey sis can you guys believe it he is listening 'Until you' ... how lonely he will be ...awwww"

"Oh so feel bad for him, KO KO"

"Yeah ... Ok Ok let's continue our discussion ... so how are we going to do ..."

"Well simple ... listen... Ma Cho you call your BOYFRIEND Taryar back OK? You have to attend the ball with him , and You must accept the gift with him, but you have to make sure Z does not seen you Ok, And make sure both of them attend too.. Make sure MaHar to attend.. OK?"

"I still think Z attends better without her..." "Yes" "Agree"

"OK OK cut it listen ..."

"Hey how about KO KO, oh he is smart, he would going to know our plan if Taryar coming too,"

"Hey Hey I am saying...just listen guys ... Ma Cho make sure Kaung Kaung late for it OK, make him the last show .. Performance ... whatever ...keep him long ... don't make him noticing anything by all mean everything's guys we can't screw this up OK"

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