Chapter 7- Meeting My Twin Brother

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I woke up a while later with a blanket covering my body. I looked around, confused. My feet were rid of my socks and shoes, and my jacket was hung on the coat rack. My bandana was slipped off and laid on the nightstand next to me. Everything else was the same, except the fire seemed more alive than when I fell asleep.

I heard shuffling, and I turned toward the door. Gil walked into the room with a small smile on his face. His hair was loose, and his bandana was off. His usual belts and bracelets were off, only leaving his necklace on with his basic outfit.

"Why did you fall asleep on the couch?" Gil asked, laying down next to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Because you weren't here." I pouted.

"My room is your room, got it?" Gil asked calmly.

I nodded, and he pecked my lips with a smile. I turned so that my back was against his chest, snuggling into it.

"I actually saw someone while we were at the market." Gil said in a soft tone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Your brother, and Jay, and Evie, and Carlos." Gil listed.

I was suddenly more tense. "Did you report it to Uma?" I asked, turning over to face him.

"I did. She said she'll have Harry deal with it." Gil nodded.

I sighed in relief. "She would have our heads if we didn't tell her and have them leave the island unharmed," I said.

"Isn't that more of your mom?" Gil teased.

"You're right. Uma would steal our voices instead," I corrected myself.

Gil let out a light chuckle and kissed the top of my head. "We should probably go see if Uma needs help with King Ben."

"No!" I whined, pouting as Gil removed his arms.

"C'mon," Gil said calmly, taking my hand and tugging me out of bed.

We got ready and snuck out of the house, heading down to the harbor. Uma was on the top deck, as Harry was somewhere else. She smiled when she saw me and Gil.

"Come on, Claire. I got a surprise for you," Uma said.

She led me below deck to where the cells were. Sitting on a bench was my twin brother. He was wearing a blue beanie to cover his honey-brown hair, and his outfit was blue with gold studs over the jacket. I snickered when he was wearing the royal crest on his jacket.

"Your outfit's too obvious, Benny." I smiled.

"Tell that to my designer," Ben retorted nicely.

"And I'm assuming that designer is Evie?" I raised an eyebrow.

He looked up at me. "How do you know Evie?"

"Old friends, actually. Until Maleficent told me I wasn't evil enough to go to Auradon," I explained.

"Ouch," Ben said.

"I don't need your pity," I snapped. "I have something better now. This lovely captain, and my Mom."

"Who is your Mom?" Ben asked curiously.

Uma put a hand on my shoulder. "I think it's time to give him the last final sting. Claire." She smiled wickedly.

I took a deep breath and looked at Ben. His eyes had widened as he stared at me. "Belle is my mother," I breathed.

"You're my lost sister," Ben said in disbelief.

I nodded. "Although, I don't consider myself your twin."

"Why?" Ben asked.

"The Queen of Hearts took me in when I was stolen onto the ship that took us to the Isle. She's the only person I consider family," I explained.

"Uma, you might want to come up soon!" Harry called.

Uma looked at me. "Keep an eye on him," she instructed.

I nodded as she left. I pulled a stool up in front of Ben's cell.

"Hey, Harry?" I called.

"Yeah, Blair?" Harry answered.

"What's Uma planning to do?" I asked curiously.

Harry walked down the stairs and over to us, studying Ben in his cell. "Well, Mally's obviously coming if she wants Beastie Boy to live. Uma plans to offer Ben for the wand," Harry explained.

I grinned. "Perfect."

"As always," Harry added, going back up to the main deck.

I looked at Ben for a moment. "Why are you here, anyway? Aren't you supposed to be doing kingly duties in Auradon," I joked.

Ben licked his lips nervously. "Mal and I got into a fight, and she came back here. I came here to get her back," Ben explained.

"Princess!" Gil shouted.

"Yeah?" I called.

"Uma has requested your assistance," Gil said ridiculously.

I smiled mischievously as I looked back at Ben. "Let's see what happens to your girlfriend, Benny," I said, walking away.

I walked up to the main deck and sprinted to the shoppe, not even out of breath as I collected myself and walked through the doors coolly. Mal and Uma were in the middle of an arm-wrestling match. Uma gave me a brief smile, then turned back to Mal.

"If I win, you bring me the wand," Uma said quietly.

Mal faltered, and Uma slammed her hand down on the table. I grinned wickedly as Uma looked sternly into Mal's eyes.

"Now, if you want Beastie boy back, bring Fairy Godmother's wand to my ship, tomorrow at noon." she flipped her hair, "sharp." She walked away, but then stopped. "Oh, and if you bail, you can kiss your baby goodbye."

I walked up to her and clapped her on the back.

"Blair?" Mal called. "You're with her now?" she asked in disbelief.

I turned to her and deadpanned. "Sharp."

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