Epilogue- Six Months Later

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"Are you ready to move back into Wonderland as a sane ruler?" I asked Mom as we packed up her stuff.

"More importantly, are you ready to be crowned princess tonight?" Mom retorted.

"Sort of." I shrugged.

Mom noticed me looking around my room. I was going to miss this place dearly. We made it a pretty suitable home for eighteen years.

"Go see Gil. You need to relax." Mom motioned to my stomach.

"I'm only two months, Mom." I rolled my eyes. "But, I might as well see if he needs anything."

"Go," Mom insisted.

"Okay!" I giggled.

I slinked along the shadows to our apartment. I opened the door and shut it behind me, locking it tightly. I heard a clatter from our bedroom and I went to go investigate. Gil was packing up our clothes in boxes. I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"Hi, princess." Gil chuckled, turning around and hugging my waist delicately. "Your mother sent you here?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "And now I'm just thinking about how lucky we are to have my parents approve of us."

"Mom, this is my husband, Gil," I said nervously.

Mom inspected his nervous state. Nobody wanted Gaston in the room; that wouldn't end well for any of us. Dad was looking at me.

"Mom, can you please say something?" I mumbled. "Do you accept us?"

"We're in shock," Dad started.

"Of course," Belle agreed. "But we understand you love and care about him. And we still love you, I can assure you of that. We just need a little time to get to know him."

"But you're okay with me being married to your daughter?" Gil asked quietly and calmly.

"Of course." Mom walked up to him, hugging him warmly.

"You love her, right?" Dad looked at Gil.

Mom pulled away as Gil looked up at Dad. "Yes, sir. I love her to death, no exceptions." Gil nodded.

"Then that's all we need to know." Dad straightened his glasses.

"I'm still your daughter even though I denied you for a year?" I asked quickly.

Mom hugged me, making me smile. "You've always been since you were a baby. And we thanked Mary deeply for taking care of you. We'll always love you no matter what."

"I love you too, Mom."

"Very lucky," Gil agreed.

"I love you." I kissed him quickly.

"I love you more," Gil replied, kissing me deeply. "I love you more than anything."

I yawned, and Gil picked me up, placing me on the bed. I smiled as he climbed in on the other side, holding me close and placing his hands on my stomach.

"Rest. You need it," Gil whispered.

"Promise you won't sneak away when I'm asleep and pack," I murmured.

"I promise, my love. Go to sleep."

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