First Meeting Her

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I'm Tiffany Hwang, 32 years old, single and my last relationship wasn't good encountered terrible heartaches when I broke up with him a few months ago because he's abusing and sexually harassing me so I runaway while he ended up in jail. I'm scared to death and it cause my anxiety so I take sessions every weeks for my recovery since I hardly fell asleep at night feeling drained when I went to work became anemic. I felt emptiness inside me when the news of my grandmother who kept me passed away last week so everything turned horrible for me and it tastes bitterness until I found her. She's kinda fluffy and never heard nor knew about her existence with humans, she's adorable but she felt aggressive and scared on me when I tried to reach her but fortunately she calmly follows me so I let her until we're infront of my house, she's totally confused when I invited her inside without waiting for her, I skipped through the kitchen and search something to feed for her then I felt warm in my legs probably wrapping me on her arms like she's kind of a dog longing for affection, I felt soften from how she looks like so I tried to reach her again until she let me touch her ears, it's soft and fluffy.

"What's your name?" I eagerly asked.

"TaeYeon." I heard her soft whimpers like she's hurt somewhere when my eyes fell into a small wound on her ankle.

"Let's clean it." I begged and waited for her signal but she's still afraid of me as she back away almost immediately from me but I tried again to gain her trust.

"I'm not going to hurt you." But we're both hurt and broken when we met each other awhile ago.

"Humans were bad." Well, she's right as well but I'm trying to at least be good for her as a human so she would trust human again because not all were bad.

"I know but I'm here to protect you." I scoffed with myself when words keep spilling from my mouth. I didn't realized I'm just being cringy just to gain her trust besides I never knew her, we're both strangers and astray but something inside makes me want her. She blankly stares at me with her blue eyes shining brightly before something came out from her body.

"W-What a-are y-you?" I asked when suddenly nine tails appears from her behind made eyes both widened in fear.

"I'm a gumiho." She said before she turned into a nine-tailed fox and slowly approaching me walking forward with her paws and her body glowing in brightness. It was the first I've heard the legend of gumiho from my grandmother, they we're seducing human and eaten their heart and liver as their food then it strikes me. Will she eat me then? I'm scared from the situation and thoughts that it will be my last time on Earth but to my surprise, she just purring contentedly on my lap before she fell asleep.

"That was close." I sighed in relief before I caresses her soft and fluffy silver fur as I stares in awe at her sleeping figure of a nine-tailed fox.

"You're soft and fluffy." I hope she wouldn't heard me being amazed at her appearance as beautiful gumiho.

"Should I let her stay here?" Since I'm living alone with myself I think of having a companion for awhile during my recovery.

"TaeYeon." I thought her name was calm and beautiful like her face too but she's dirty and smelly for staying on the street.

"I will register her as Hwang TaeYeon tomorrow." I happily said when I thought of her wearing uniform and study in school, I bet she will be the prettiest girl in campus but what if many random guys courted her then it's a no way for me. I frowned when I thought of the worst scenario then technically, I'm her mother? Fuck.

"I'll be the one who will teach her things here in my house." I agreed with myself before I felt her soft whimpers must be the wound stings so I will immediately treated it.

"My Hwang TaeYeon." I smiled to herself when I luckily found her awhile ago because it makes me more attached with her existence and the fact that she's a gumiho makes me feel so giddy how to lived udner the roof with her kind.

"Should I tell Jessica?" I suddenly thought my bestfriend who works in the same workplace as mine but she's my supervisor.

"What if Jessica will be fond of her too?" My mind raced when I thought about Jessica taking TaeYeon away from me.

"I'm started being madly crazy about my new roommate especially not human but a nine tailed fox." I'll treat her as my roommate and not as my child since she had no proper identity I'll give her one.

"Food." I heard her softly muttered in her sleep although she's in her fox form, she could talk with her human voice that amused me furthermore.

"What do you like to eat?" I asked whether she sleeping or not.

"Gopchang." Is my hearing was still okay as I've heard her murmuring normal foods that human have been eaten.

"Gopchang?" I bet she's wandering around the market nearby that sells gopchang so I chuckle softly when I heard ramyun from her.

"Such an adorable gumiho I've found." I laughed at her cute antics as an innocent fox.

"I will order gopchang." I fished out my phone from my pocket since TaeYeon sleeping on my lap so I tap and dial the number for delivery of special gopchang.

"Let's put you into something comfortable position." I place her into my couch and let her sleep for awhile until gopchang will arrive for a little later.

"Cute." I smiled to myself before I changes my clothes in my room leaving the small nine-tailed fox asleep.

To be continued.

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