The Returnees

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Athena's POV

"I still can't believe he's dead" I say as Uncle Mason drives us back to our home town of Mystic Falls. You probably don't know me. I'm Tyler Lockwood's younger sister. My name is Athena Carol Lockwood and I'm a werewolf. I triggered my curse just before freshmen year. My parents and brother never knew. And neither did my uncle until he triggered his last year. By accidentally killing a mate of his.

Anyway I accidentally killed a friend of mine when I was driving illegally. We had gone to a party and got drunk. I was driving her home and crashed the car. My parents, mainly my dad did not want to deal with me and my problems anymore. So shipped me off to live with my uncle Mason.

Who was real chilled about rules, so he never worried about if I was out all night on a full moon. I'd found an abandon house with a secure basement to transform in. And would always return home early the next morning.

But when my uncle triggered his curse last year. We transformed together in the basement of his house. We even made friends with a wolf pack nearby and would sometimes turn with them on a nearby reserve. I loved running free, through the woods. Uncle Mason also has a girl friend, I've never meet. I only know her name is Kathy.

Anyway back to the story. We just got a call from mum a couple of days ago about my dad's death. He died in a fire along with about a dozen others. We're returning to Mystic Falls for his funeral and I'm moving back home. My brother and mum need me. Uncle Mason understands that and said he'd show me a safe place to turn.

"Me neither" Uncle Mason says. "You nervous?" he asks me.

"Not really, I wonder how my old friends are though. I've hardly spoken to them since Elena's parents died. I wonder if she's gotten back together with Matt or if she has a new boyfriend. Also if Bonnie and Caroline are finally dating a guy. I wonder if Jeremy is still drawing" I muse. Jeremy is my only friend, that's my age. The others are all at least a year older.

"I'm sure they'll all be there and you can all catch up" he tells me smiling.

"I hope so, I miss my girls" I tell him. He pulls up outside my family home and Tyler is there waiting. I get out and run to my brother hugging him tightly. "Tyler, I missed you so much" I say.

"I missed you to Athena" he says smiling as we pull away. "So the black sheep of the family return" he adds as Uncle Mason joins us.

"Tyler?" Uncle Mason says surprised.

"Of course it's him uncle, I wouldn't hug just anyone" I tell him smirking.

"What happened to you? In my mind you're twelve years old" Uncle Mason tells him.

"Then that's two years older than the last time you saw me, Uncle Mason" Tyler tells him. They then bro hug.

"Good to see you again" Uncle Mason tells him.

"It's good to be home" I say looking up at the mansion.

"It's good to see you both too. Come on inside" Tyler tells us and we enter the house.

"Why don't you two go catch up, I'm gonna go talk to you mum" Uncle Mason tells us. We nod our heads and he leaves us.

"I still have to greet people" Tyler tells me.

"It's fine, are my girls here?" I ask him.

"Funny you should ask" he says looking behind. I turn to see Elena and squeal. I hug her tightly.

"Elena, it's been forever. Thank you so much for coming" I tell her smiling. I pull away and she looks confused. "Don't tell me you're forgot me, it's only been three years" I say pouting.

Athena Lockwood: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now