"You and Jhene gonna ask me that everytime yall come up here?" Shaking my head as Antonio stared back at me, I shook my head deciding to leave it alone knowing Jhene's finna cuss his hardheaded ass out the next time she comes. "Could at least bring me some weed like shit. Look at my niece getting all grown and shit, AYE NIECE!"

Looking down at Jade as she looked up from my phone stale facing Antonio, she gave him a simple head nod before looking back down continuing to watch Moana. Laughing aloud as Antonio shook his head, I looked over my shoulder noticing the stack of unopened cards sitting on the window seal.

"Shawty still acting brazy?" I questioned grabbing the pile of cards flipping through them seeing Diamonté's name written on every card, as Antonio sucked his teeth immediately irritated hearing her name.

I will never understand why people that did you wrong wait till you in a life or death situation, to try and repent or some shit.

Shawty been coming up here everyday with food, flowers, gifts, knowing damn well Toni ain't tryna see her. I understand she's probably feeling guilty, but at this point my boy might needa look into a restraining order.

"I swear shit never ends." Antonio mumbled shaking his head, as he turned towards the table beside his bed picking up sonogram's from Red's recent doctor's appointment. "Baby on the way, crazy ass bitch stalking my ass, legs fucked...shit ain't never finna quit. I'm tired."

Antonio talking like this is was the exact reason he needed to take his ass downstairs to the therapist. I understand why he's holding back cause we were brought up the same way, real men don't go to therapist. But when does the shit end?

Despite being surrounded by a whole lotta negativity, this pregnancy has brought him some needed light. Jhene and I have met Red, but I don't trust her ass. I support him being as involved as he can while being in the state he's in, but I will be forcing his ass to get a DNA test.

"You keep sitting feeling sorry for yaself and you ain't ever gonna get outta here. We can't want your life more than you Antonio, straighten up. And I mean that shit." Covering my mouth forgetting Jade was in the room I turned relieved seeing she still had the earbuds in, grabbing the black bag from under my chair I stood up walking over to his bed placing it in his hands. "Here. Grumpy ass."

I knew I was being harsh, but Antonio didn't need me to sit here are congratulate him for coming to this facility and causing nothing but havoc. Arguing with his doctors, nurses, just acting a fool. A damn fool.

Waiting as Antonio reached in the bag with a confused expression on his face, he instantly smiled immediately recognizing the smell as he pulled out the box opening it beginning to move his shoulders excitedly.

I'm fully aware that his doctor's had him on a strict diet, but Juicy Lucy's famous wings ain't never hurt nobody.

I'm fully aware that his doctor's had him on a strict diet, but Juicy Lucy's famous wings ain't never hurt nobody

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