Chapter 7- The First Half

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"Class!" A skinny blonde male said loudly. "It is nice to meet you all. I am Toshinori Yagi, your gym teacher." A squeal came from a group of girls, and an embarrassed look crossed his face.

"Um, so to start class..." He put his foot on a basketball, kicked it up, and caught it. "You might think we're going to play basketball, but you'd be wrong." A few awwww's followed. "Now now, hear me out." A picked up an oddly shaped ball and showed the class.

"What's that?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes! I love American Football!" A voice yelled. Everyone turned in that direction, and saw a spiky redhead blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry." He stated.

"That's alright my boy! I'm glad you know what it is!" Yagi exclaimed. "We will be playing American football today. I will only go over the basics of it to ensure you understand. Anyways, this class will last 3 hours, so chances are, you guys will probably play a bit before we go." He pointed to Kirishima. "You want to explain?" An eager look entered his features.

"Of course!"

A couple of minutes later, Kirishima has explained the whole game, most of the rules, and etcetera. Most people look excited, the game sounded fun. Well, to most at least.

"I don't wanna get hit!" A short, purple haired male yelled. "Don't make me!"

"Shut your yap Mineta!" Yagi yelled. "You're gonna play whether you like it or not!"

"GAAAAHHHH!" He screamed. "NOOOOOOO!"

If you don't understand American Football, the whole football game won't make much of a difference to the plot if you skip the next two or three chapters. You may not understand a few references though.

Teams were made. A one hour match would be played outside. There was a big field marked in 100 yards, American style. Aizawa had appeared in an American Football referee uniform, along with alright, who was wearing the same thing as Aizawa. The teams lined up, wearing some semblance of football uniforms. They bowed, then lined up for kickoff. Midoriya's team had Denki Kaminari kicking the ball. He used to play soccer, so when he kicked the ball, it actually was kicked pretty far.

The ball went out of the back of the end zone, surprising All Might.

"You'd be a pretty good football player Kaminari!" He yelled. Kaminari scratched his cheek.


Bakugo's team lined up at the line. Bakugo was the quarterback.

"Hut, hut, HIKE!" He screamed. The ball was snapped to him, and he dropped back in the pocket. Sero, who had good hands, was smothered by Jirou. His other main receiver, Tsuyu, could jump high, but was short, and wasn't getting anywhere, as Iida wasn't letting her get anywhere. Ojiro shoved Shoji off of him, and broke threw the offensive line, and sacked Bakugo.

Well, he tried to.

Bakugo's anger kicked in. He pushed Ojiro off of him and ran. His explosive attitude and tendencies helped him out this time. He plowed over Todoroki, he plowed over Mineta (who started crying). He ran almost the whole field, before Midoriya blindsided him and dropped him on his back, not before he dropped the ball though.

"Fumble!" Aizawa yelled.

Jirou picked it up, and was pushed out at the opponents 16.

Midoriya went out to the field, and was the teams quarterback. He snapped the ball, and fired a bullet. It was caught by Mina, who dodged Kirishima's tackle. Bakugo tackled her.

Midoriya snapped it again, this time, ran it himself. He juked out Sero, then hurdled Bakugo. He ran out of bounds when Tsuyu got close.

He snapped the ball again, but the ball disappeared quickly. Questioning looks crossed the faces of the opposing teammates, but Midoriya smirked and pointed downfield.

Mineta was in the end zone, crying.

"I did it! I diiiiddd iiiiiitttt!" He said while sobbing. With that, the whistle blew.

"Halftime!" All Might yelled, and the two teams sat on their own respective sidelines.

On the Second StringOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora