Chapter 7

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It took them just over a week to cross out of the winter grounds, as Neve called them, and back into lush, green forests of the northern kingdom. Though they were still far north and the cold temperatures stayed steady, Taryn was at least grateful for the small amount of warmth the sun brought them every day.

The closer they got to the castle, the worse Zeph's sleep patterns became. Sometimes, every few minutes or so, Taryn would hear rustling in the tent next to her, followed by inaudible whispers from Zeph and Andre.

Though they occasionally persisted from night to night, Taryn was thankful she was able to keep her own nightmares at bay for most of their journey.

Once they were out of the snow infested northlands, the groups traveling speed almost doubled. Without several feet of snow to trudge through, they were only days away from the northern castle.

Spirit was high amongst the group. Though both Andre and Zeph were sleep-deprived, they did what they could to stay positive. Neve and Taryn tried to help the best they could, entertaining Zeph and even occasionally taking him hunting, as to allow Andre to get some extra sleep.

"What if we found the Northern Heir at the castle?" Neve asked at dinner one night.

"Why would the heir be at the castle? If I was her, that'd be the last place I'd want to go." Taryn said.

"I'm not asking why I'm asking what. Say you walked into a random room and she was just standing there, what would you do?"

Taryn shrugged. "I don't know,"

Neve sighed. "You have no imagination."

"I know what I'd do!" Zeph chimed in. "I'd go up to her and tell her that the world needs her help, and if she doesn't come with us, we're all doomed!"

"And what if she says no?" Neve prodded.

"I'd convince her to come. You can't say no to a kid," He joked.

Andre stepped out of his tent after one of his many naps.

"What would you do Andre?" Zeph asked.


"If you saw the Northern Heir at the castle, what would you do?"

Andre scratched his head, yawning as he sat down by the fire. "I don't know, I guess ask what her name is."

"And then...?" Zeph asked.

Andre yawned again. "Ask if she's okay? What do you want me to say?"

"Something more exciting than that," Zeph pouted, folding his arms.

Andre laughed and pulled Zeph in closer to him. "What, do you want me to say? That I'd ask for her most noble stead and rescue her from the tower she's been trapped in for all these years, and then we'd ride away into the sunset?" Andre raised his eyebrows, giving Zeph a, you can't be serious, sort of look.

"Exactly!" Zeph said happily.

"You still haven't given an answer," Neve said, elbowing Taryn slightly.

"I know, I know," She said.

"And?" Neve asked.

Taryn tapped her finger against the ground, thinking to herself. "I'd tell her I was sorry," She finally said.

"How come?" Zeph asked.

"Look at her country, her people are suffering, the southern kingdom is practically in control now, and there's nothing she can do about it."

"That got deep," Neve said, looking at Taryn.

Taryn shook her head, clearing her thoughts. "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind."

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