Chapter 13

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Taryn didn't know how long she had been out. Against her wishes, she hadn't woken up in Andre's arms. No, instead she was laying in a small bed, bandages nearly covering her entire torso up to just below her shoulders. She could still feel the sword piercing her back, Mattias's cold laugh echoing behind her. She wanted to close her eyes, go back to sleep, but she wouldn't let herself. She had managed to escape death once, she didn't want to risk that again.

The door opened to her left, but Taryn didn't move, she was in too much pain to.

The person spoke gently, their soothing voice trailing through the ear, as if relaxing Taryn just from the sound. "Zeph told me to tell you that he was doing alright," Andre's voice said. "Of course, he refuses to come and see you, so I can't say I believe him." Andre paused for a moment, fidgeting with his fingers. "I know I look like a fool talking to you when you can't even hear me, Zeph's made sure to tell me that plenty of times, but with Neve missing, it's one of the only things keep me sane,"

"You're not a fool," Taryn said, turning her head so he could see her open eyes.

Andre smiled at her, trying to keep the tears in his eyes at bay. "You're awake," He whispered, as if he said it too loud she would go back to sleep.

"I'm surprised you survived so long without me," Taryn teased.

"I'm glad you're alive,"

"Me too," She said, smiling. She reached out and grabbed his hand, their fingers interlacing. "How long have I been out?"

"Over a week," Andre said.

"That long?"

He nodded.

"And... Neve?"

Andre's shoulders dropped. "I'm sorry,"

Taryn's eyes shot wide open.

"She's not dead," Andre said quickly before Taryn could say anything. "But she's been captured by the Southern Army,"

"So she's dead?"

"We don't know that,"

"Why wouldn't they kill her? Her and I have been the sole thing stopping them from completely taking over the North, she's practically committed treason against the Southern Throne, why wouldn't they kill her?"

"Don't you think they could use her to get to you? So the-- so your mother can get to you,"

"You're not mad about that, are you?" She asked, squeezing onto his hand tighter.

He pulled his hand away anyway. "I don't know how I feel about that yet,"

"I promise I'm not like her, I don't even have magic!"

"Taryn, calm down. I never said I hated you, the fact that you're alive right now proves that. It's just that finding out the girl I love is the daughter of the most feared person in the world takes a while to process."

"So... you're not mad?"

He sighed. "I think it's a little more complicated than that. I may be "mad" but I don't hate you. Is that a good enough answer for now?"

Taryn nodded.

Andre leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead before standing up. "Get some rest, you need it,"

"I've been resting for a week!"

"You're lucky Mattias didn't hit your heart when he attacked you. It's going to be quite a few days before you'll be able to go anywhere. Now get some rest, I'll be back in a minute,"

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