Dwight x David

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Again Dwight got send back to the only place he felt safe. The campfire. Only there they could escape the fear and the stress of the trials. He happily won the last match just because Ace got hooked by the Hag while he escaped. He breathed out heavily and looked to Ace which got his wound stitched up by Claudette.

He looked around his friends. They all looked tired, terrified and helpless but he noticed that 4 of them are still in a Match. "Mhm... Zarina, Bill, David and Kate are in an Trial, huh?"
Jake, which sat besides him said: "Seems so. But they are gone for a long time now so they are going to be back soon"
"I hope they all are fine and can get outa there" Dwight said more to himself than to Jake.
"I hope so, too" He answered.

After they talked about what happened in their last trials the others got send back to the campfire.
Kate and Bill seemed to be fine but Zarina and David came back with many wounds and big holes in their shoulders.

"I'm fine" David said "Care about Zarina first... she's bleeding all over her body"
"Thanks, David. Good match" Zarina said while getting her wounds stitched up.

Dwight looked at Zarina and found only some big scratches. David hat deep holes and even deeper cuttes in his arms and in his back.
He seems like a tough guy but he always cares about others, even if he then gets hurted. He was strong enough to fight for his friends and theyr freedom.

Dwight got lost in his thoughts, thinking about the Killers, the survivors and especially about David. He didn't know either why he thought so much about this man but he likes to think about him.

He slowly felt dizzy and started to panic. He was chosen to be in the next trial. His eyes closed and the next thing he saw was a cornfield.
He stood up and looked around, seeing Kate and... David. 

"Hey" he got closer to the two others "let's work together."
The three looked for the nearest generator but it was only for 2 people.
"U two work on this one! I'm gonna look for another one" she said and quickly got away.

Dwight could feel that his face is getting red by being alone with the other man. He couldn't stop thinking about him and he was so deep in thoughts that he connected the wrong wires. The gen blowed up, giving both of them an shock.
"Uh I-im so sorry, David" he said without looking at the bigger one.
"Its fine" David said getting back to work "We just have to watch out after the killer now, everything's ok"
Dwight started working again too.

The sound of a Gen getting ready sounded over the map, followed by another one.
"Only 3 to go, Dwight" David smiled "I'll make sure we all get outa here"
"Ur not as bad as I thought you are first" Dwight said to him "You are very nice"
"Thanks...? I guess" David laughed.
They got ready with the gen and searched another one.
After just a short time they found one, in the middle of the field.
"Seems pretty safe" Dwight said and they started working.
After the half was done Kate came again and helped working. Dwight kinda felt bad because he wasn't alone with David now but just so they can get it ready faster.

They heard a loud scream from the distance.
"Shit, Yui got hooked..." she said and started running in the direction the scream came from.

"We should have asked her if she knows who the killer is" David said silently to Dwight.
"Yeah, but its definitely somebody with a heartbeat. I can hear him coming in our direction" Dwight said and quickly stood up. He grabbed David's hand and pulled him into the house.
"Come in here" David pulled Dwight into a locker and closed the door. Now the were together in one locker. And they were very close.
They heard the heartbeat coming closer and Dwight could hear David holding his breath.
He looked up to the taller Male which looked outside by a little hole in the door.
He blushed slightly because of the serious face David made.
The heartbeats got silent and they breathed out heavily.
"Ok, I think were safe now." David looked down realizing how close theyr faces were right now.
He slowly opened the door. He got outside looking in both directions before he pulled Dwight out softly.
But then they both realised something. They helt hands since they left the gen.
Both of them quickly let go and blushed slightly.
"Let's go back on working." David said.
They got back to the gen and started working. Shortly after they started, they heard another gen plopped up.
"Fuck yes! This is the last one!" David said happily. He wanted all of his buddies go leave.
Especially Dwight was very important to him and he didn't wanted him to get any harm.
He would beat up every bitch who dares to touch Dwight.
Yui and Kate came to help them and they got the gen ready very fast.
They all started sprinting for theyr life's (which really is why they should run) and the loud tone of the powered exits sounded thought the air. Yui was about to open the gate then the heartbeat got louder.
Yui hot grabbed by the jacked by the clown, without even giving her a little chance to escape.

He looked at the other survivors while throwing her body on the nearest hook. With a loud scream the entity speare thought Yuis Neck ans her lifeless body got sendet to the air. For such an fat, old man the Clown can move very fast and silent. He started to go after Kate, which run in the other direction.
Dwight looked at David, which still looked at the hook where Yui died.
"Lets just get outa here..." Dwight said while he pulled down the switch.
"Yeah... I will make sure that at least you get out unharmed."
They could hear the hatch getting closed, which means Kate escaped thought the hatch.
"She must have found the Key in an Chest while getting chased.
They could hear the Clown getting closer, but the exit gate wasn't even open half.
"Ok dwight listen" David said serious. "We make a plan. You hide behind this thick tree while I distract the Clown. When we are wide enough away, you can open the gate. Then you leave. You hear me?" He looked down at Dwight holding his hand again.
"But then you are going to get hooked, David." Dwight got pushed behind a tree by David.
"Maybe yes but you have to leave. I don't want you to get hurted Dwight. I said I make sure you get out, so you will get out." Dwight blushed slightly.
"I understand."
David nodded and was about to run to the Clown to distract him, as he got pulled back by his hand.
"Thank you, David." Dwight said shyly. He now kinda understand his feelings for David. He was kind, protective and definitely not a bad guy. He had enough time to think about him.
He pulled David's hand back softly and looked up to the other.
He got up by Tiotoes and connected his lips with the cold ones of the taller Male. It was just a short kiss before they have to break this moment.
David smiled at him softly and brushed thought his hair. "See you at the Campfire" he said and turned around. The Clown saw him quickly and started following him while David run into the opposite direction where Dwight and the Exit was.

Dwight got out of his hiding spot and opened the gate. The heavy metal door opened, but he heard a scream. It came from David which got slashed by the Clown.
But he still left, just as David said.
He was sad, because he had to left David, but he also was happy about finally understanding his feelings for David and kissing him.
He now know that he was in love with the bigger male.
He started running faster and faster until he got sendet back, meeting all his friends, and David again.

David got slashed in his back. He started running faster and smashed a pallet down, without looking back.  It was an good decision to drop it because he smashed it directly at the Clowns ugly face, one second later and he had got him again.
He started running again.
He looked around while running, but there wasn't even one pallet around. Yui dropped them all while the match. He knew he couldn't escape and the Exitgates where to far away so he stopped running. He just stand there. He felt the Clown getting closer and got slashed again. He felt the urge to scream but he didn't.
He was happy about helping Dwight to get out alive, even without one only cut.
The Clown picked the male up and smashed him onto an old, rusty hook. Now he had to let out a deep, short scream.
His arms and legs felt numb and he just let them hang.
The Clown loomed at him.
"So... You and Dwight, huh?"

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