Y/N crawled into a ball, "I need her here right now" Y/N thought, Tracy didn't have time to deal with assholes, her best friend needed her help.

She decided to get up a waddle to their small apartment lounge and collapse on the couch waiting for her best friend to return.

She grabbed the control and put on some news, to which big headlines appeared, she yawned. Until she heard screaming outside not only her window but the news too.

"Attention all citizens: Due to the city-wide outbreak, You are advised to take shelter at the Racoon city police station" the man's voice was interrupted by my phone going off, I picked it up, "Y/N! What the actual fuck is going on" Tracy was panting, running, "I'm not sure" Y/N's shaky voice responded.

"Oh, there's a TV set in the window here!" Tracy spoke, and then silence between the two females.

"Free food and medical supplies, will be provided to everyone in need, I repeat, any living citizens please head to the RPD for safety, and soon evacuation." a man's voice boomed and warned everyone.

"I'll meet you there Y/N!" Tracy said in a determined tone "Be safe Tracy! I'll try and get there as fast as possible!" Y/N cried out, "You too Y/N... I hope to see you soon!" Tracy said before hanging up.

Quickly Y/N packed up her things, not everything, she changed into running gear, a short-sleeved shirt with an f/c jacket, with white shorts just above her kneecap, she tied her h/c hair in a (short/long) Ponytail.

She grabbed a backpack and packed her phone, wallet and a knife from the kitchen cabinet, as well as her friends baseball bat from childhood.

"I'm sorry Tracy" she mumbled holding a tight grip on the baseball bat. She quickly escaped the building but to a hoard of mindless civilians already headed her way! In fear she ran back inside the building up to her apartment, where she knew was safe, as she knew the building like the back of her hand.

Not too far from that building, her friend sat within the group of very few survivors, maybe 1000 comparing to the like 10,000 once upon a time. The virus had spread quick among the confused and defenceless civilians, Tracy sulked realising her friend might not have made it here at all, as they get ready to close the doors.

After the girl fell asleep for a couple of hours from fear, she woke up, the h/c girl gaining new confidence, stood up, ready to face those fuckers down there! She needed to see her friend once again! She knew the RDP building wasn't far from they're apartment, which made her smile as she ran down the many flights of stairs, if she waited to long, they would've escaped already, and the number of zombies will only grow, she had a fearful feeling the evacuation may have already concluded but a hopeful part of her disagreed.

Slowly and quietly she left the building, her heart raced as her eyes landing on the many zombies not far away.

Her shirt got caught in the wall, "hey" she mumbled with a sigh, trying to rip away she fell back and scraped her leg, bad, a medium-size piece of glass stuck out from her leg. She bit her lip in pain but brought herself up.

she tiptoed behind a car, on fire or not, it was still hiding her, which she needed. She gulped slowly and held her breath as she snuck through the small gap to another car, she was crouching as she moved, which sent pain through her knees, she struggled slowly but kept it up.

Suddenly a zombie walked past, inches from her face, a slow pacing thing, that didn't even notice her, she looked up to see a familiar face, or at least what was left of it... Andrew, she placed her hand on her mouth, as a few tears dropped, her friends, coworkers, they could be all dead! The undead Andrew walked by, without noticing the poor girl who still hobbled around getting closer to the RDP building.

Her mind couldn't leave the man she saw earlier, he must've gotten infected while making his way here.. my poor guy. Y/N sulked, she'd never even asked the guy on a date like she originally wanted to, way back when, this fucking virus. Even now she's lost a good friend, coworker, he could've survived this thing with the right supplies and people.

"Tracy you better still be fucking alive" Y/N mumbled as tears rolled down her red cheeks, she reached the last car, now there was a massive gap between her and the department gate.

She sighed, "no going back now.." she spoke with a straight face, she prepared herself to run, taking a scared, steady breath, when the pain struck her again, the bottomless pit, mixed with the pain in the side of her calf, "ahh- ow, fuck" she groaned as she fell to her knees, luckily still in a tight gap between a car and a building. She leaned her head against the car as she bit her lip, holding her breath.

"I've got this... I gotta do this" she stood up quickly, ignoring the pain that brought tears to the corners of her eyes, 'I'm halfway there's she said to herself mentally, cheering herself on. "come on it's right there!" She called out holding her hand out as she ran for the gate.

She fell.

Her hands wrapping around her stomach she feel back to one knee, she heard groans around her closing in, her shout must've alerted them. She hung her head and gripped the bat beside her tightly, she swung back hitting someone in the face, not a someone... Who was she kidding, they were the undead. They were trying to kill her. They still are.

Y/N cries apologies as she rushed forward for the front gate, pulling the gate open, she felt her hair get pulled back, with a sharp knife swing she cut it off, her beautiful h/c hair.

She whined and let out an annoyed groan as she slipped through the small opening and closed the gate quickly, she raised her hand to her head and moaned in pain, "that bitch.." she grumbled.

She sulked for a little longer, before facing the two big, intimidating doors, of the actual building behind those gates.

She placed her hands on her waist with a triumphant smile.

"I'm coming, Tracy!"

Or at least she hoped she would.

Words: 2044

Hey! How was that? I know he haven't met Leon yet, but we should in the next chapter!

What segment did you find harder? Sherry's or Ada's?

(At the end of each chapter I might put a little question related to the game, look out for it! ☆~(ゝ。 )

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