Chapter 2 - My New Friends

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"Where am I?" George said, talking to nobody.

Everything was so familliar around him, but it wasn't at the same time.

He didn't know how he got there, and where he was.

He couldn't remember anything.

He started examining this world he was in. Looking for people he could ask for help.

No one, there was no living human near. Only pigs, sheeps, cows and just animals.

A wave of anxiety hit him. George was panicking, 'Am I gonna die here? There's no one HERE!'

He saw a tree, it was like he knew what to do, his body was leading him to the tree.

He walked up to it and his hand punched it, 'Wait what?! This is riduculous! Is my body literally trying to kill me?!'

But suddenly, the tree was entirely cut down with his bare hands.

George was so confused, but his brain just kept repeating a word after he cut down the tree.

"Crafting table"

He didn't know what was going on, and why his brain was repeating this word and how the HELL did he cut down a tree with his HANDS?!

After a few hours, he kept following his brain's intructions, the instructions didn't kill him, they helped him in some sort of way.

It was around the afternoon, when George found a village?

He ran to it curiously, and he saw people. He was quite excited, maybe these people could help him?

The 'people' had long noses and were all bald. They didn't seem to understand George. Whenever George tried to talk to them, all they did was ask him to trade.

At this point George knew they were no help.

Even though it was wrong, he went into their houses and found really good loot.

Iron armor? Some emeralds..


He found 2 diamonds, it wasnt much but he could make a diamond sword, so he made one.

The night came quicker than he thought. His brain was expecting monsters, like zombies and skeletons. But what came wasn't zombies and skeletons.

Since George didn't have enough wool to make a bed (and that he didn't wanna hog a villager's bed), he decided to just stroll around the forest looking for monsters to kill.

After killing a zombie or two, he saw a figure.

The figure had a human shape, he couldn't see clearly due to the darkness. But he was sure it was definitely a man from their height.

His colour blindness messed with his eyesight, all he saw was a tall figure atleast 7 ft tall. They weren't moving, and their face wad staring at the sky.

"Sir? Sir? Are you okay?" George stupidly ran up to the figure.

When he was much closer, everything became black. The figure faded away. He was terrified.

The temperature became so low he was freezing. He felt like vomiting. His eyes couldn't focus on anything.

He couldn't move. He felt a presence near him, he tried moving his head but he couldn't. He heard giggles and laughs, reminding him of his older bullies when he was younger.

He felt something trying to come out from his throat, but it wouldn't leave. His entire gead ached and his vision went blurry. His could hear his heartbeat, and only his heartbeat.

He didn't notice, but he was crying.

Even in the situation, George still force himself to walk to where he saw the figure before. He wanted to know what was going on.

His legs was strruggling to be stable. He fell and slowly lost conciousness.

He could feel a warmth as he was falling unconcious.

It was getting hotter and hotter, he then realised someone was gonna burn him. But he couldn't do anything and he fainted.

"NICK STOP!" The figure George previously saw yelled at the man that was about to burn George.

"What do you want, Clay?" The man stopped his flames.

"Don't kill hin yet. He's different."
'Clay' told 'Nick'.

"How so?" 'Nick' asked.

"He didn't try to kill me like the others." 'Clay' said.

"Yeah yeah, and what do you want me to do about it? He's already unconcious." 'Nick' said, looking at the unconcious man on the ground.

"We could ask Darryl to help" 'Clay' said.

"The fuck, no! He's a psychopath, I'm not talking to him in the middle of the night." 'Nick' prostested.

"We could wait till the sun shines and ask him then?" 'Clay' asked. 'Nick' nodded.

George woke up in a room with a man sitting in a chair.

"W-who are you?!" George screamed.

"Woah woah, calm down you muffin!" The man jumped up from the chair.

The man looked kinda innocent. He had light brown fluffy hair, emerald green eyes and a halo on his head. Beneath the halo was scary long horns that looks as it was shattered glass. He had long fangs and huge demonic looking wings.

"I saved you! You were unconcious when my friends played a trick on you. I apologise!" The man bowed in apology.

"Oh! Nono its fine!" George was extremely embarassed for some reason, but also excited since there's actual 'human's around!

"What's your name, sir?" The man with the halo asked.

"George.. and you must be..?"
"Darryl! My friends call me Good or Bad sometimes." The man with the halo answered.

'Darryl' went outside, gesturing George to follow him.

George probably broke his lungs when he saw..

A man with his head on fire and a 7 ft tall dummy looking thing with a sinister smile on their face.

I'm so sorry if I made their personalities unaccurate! I just started watching them a month ago and I deeply apologise if I make any of them sound unaccurate!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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