Into the Fire

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-Marilyn POV-

I was pissed.

"What the fuck does he want?" I asked myself.

The reason i walked out was because I didn't want to make a scene. I was debating wheater

or not to pick up. I did anyway.

"What do you want, Pogo?" I said

"Hey.. I just want to apologise."

I was shocked.

"I was a dick. I know how much Anna means to you. You were right. I shouldnt have done that. I mean you love her and she loves you. I shouldn't be getting in between you guys. Its my fault. My retarted sexual brain just took over. Im sorry for getting in between you.. And sorry for punching you. Hope your okay." He said.

I stood there my jaw dropped. Not only did his apology shock me but his... His words they were.. Not Pogo's words. It sounded like something from a romantic movie.

"..uhh I umm.." I mumbled. I was too socked too answer.

He didnt say anything and neither did I.

"It's... It's alright, man. I just cant believe what you said.. Uhh.." I murmered.

I heard him chuckle quietly. "Thanks man"

"Yeah, no problem."

It got all quiet and awkward. "So uhh yeah I gotta go my phones gonna die" i said.. I lied i wanted To get out of this awkward situation.

"Oh okay. Bye" he siad

"Bye" i hung up.

I stood outside still shocked. His words, they echoed in my head over and over like an broken record. I looked up at the dark sky. I wondered just strange the world is, how people can be so different. Strange, huh?

"I shouldnt have done that. I mean you love her and she loves you. I shouldn't be getting in between you guys" his words were unforgetable.

"I forgive you Pogo, I forgive you." I whispered.

I put a spell on you (Marilyn Manson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now