"Dad!!!!" He says, looking down at his feet.

Louis POV:

Well, this is awkward. I get up, grab my dry shoes, and then grab my stuff and head for the door.

"See you later Leroy! Text me!!" I say, walking out the door.

"Wait!! Louis?" I hear Mr. Payne call out.

"Yes?" I say, peeking my head around the door.

"Take this to my hubby please. Class has already started and I don't want you to get in trouble because I kept you behind." He says, getting up and handing me a slip of paper.

"Thanks, Mr. Payne!" I say, running towards the auditorium.

Mr. Tafoya POV: (A/N Ok, for the record, Mr. Tafoya and Liam are married, but he uses his single name at school to make identification easier.)

I glance at the time on my phone and see that class has started 5 minutes ago and there's no sign of Louis. I hope he’s not sick!! He's my start student and I need him for the musical!! Before my mind could begin thinking up scenarios for him being late, he comes bursting through the doors and runs up to the stage. He hands me a note then sits down next to Selena.

"Honey, Louis and Leroy were at it again so I had to make it look like I was punishing them so...that's why Louis is late. We need to have a talk to Leroy when we get home so I'm rather tense. When we get home, can you give me one of your famous massages, you know...that one that always turns me on...? Ooo...I'm tingly just thinking about it!! Anyways, love you, babe! Bye! -Liam"  

I smile at the thought of my husband wanting a massage and the loving that's to come, which makes me think of an acting exercise.

"Alright class! I've noticed that we are all a little tense in the room. I can sense it, so I want you to turn to the person next to you and just massage their shoulders and neck then switch and the other person will massage you. Release all of that tension." I say, rubbing my own neck.

Louis POV: 

 I turn to Selena and begin massaging her shoulders.

"Mmmm....Louis, your fingers are working magic! How did you get so good at this?" She asks.

"Well, my mum used to always give me massages before I went to bed each night, so, I guess I just picked up on her technique." I say, laughing slightly.

"And....SWITCH!" Mr. Tafoya yelled.

Selena began to massage my shoulders and I couldn't help but shudder in pleasure.

"Ooo...Sel...never cut your nails, the way they feel on my back are to die for!!" I say, dramatically.

She just laughs in response.

"Alright, now sit down please because I have an announcement!!" Mr. Tafoya announces.

We all sit down and look towards him.

"Now...regarding our musical..." He starts to say.

My breath hitches and I cling to Selena.

"We have two full sheets of people interested in being in the production so...we will be moving auditions to Wednesday of next week and continue them until everyone on the sheet has had the time to rehearse." He says, grinning from ear to ear.

Selena and I look at each other with panicked faces, and then turn back to Mr. Tafoya.

"Now...for today/tomorrow, we will be watching "Grease" to get in the spirit of things, so get comfortable because we're starting the movie....now!" He says shutting off the lights.

The movie is being projected onto a huge white sheet that Mr. Tafoya hung on one of the stage curtains so it feels very drive in like.

Selena moves so her head is on my shoulder and gets out a bag of fruit loops.

"Fruit loops...really??" I ask, taking some.

"Yes! Now shut up because it's starting!!!" She says, smacking me on other shoulder.

All throughout the movie, Selena and I were softly singing the songs, except I dropped out of singing "Hopelessly Devoted to You" because I started to cry slightly. Ok, I know it's stupid, but Harry is my Danny and I am his Sandy. As much as I would not like to be, I am hopelessly devoted to him and can't stop loving him. During that song, Selena reached over and grabbed my hand. After the movie was over, I was utterly devastated that I would never get my Danny in the end as Sandy did.

"Louis...don't you dare be getting sad over him! You are royalty! Royals are never sad!!" Selena says.

"You're right!! I am the queen and shall not let some mere peasant make me cry! I AM ROYALITY!!" I yell the last part and stand up on a chair.

"LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!!" Selena proclaims as she bows.

Everyone is looking at us with odd looks but then, Mr. Tafoya laughs then bows and they all follow what he does, chuckling to themselves. I hop down and walk out the auditorium and off to the lunch room, with a giggling Selena following after me.


Sorry I have been gone for so long!! :(

I am a horrible person for not updating!!

I was honestly down in the dumps about my writing skills, but with those few fans that have commented and lots of pestering from my best friend...I finally updated!!!

So...what do ya'll think?

Louis is just so darn sassy!! ❤❤❤ (Love it!!)

The make-up Larry date is coming soon! (Excited to write it!!)

I am super excited to get back to writing this book and I hope to hear more feedback this time around because I want this book to be amaZAYN and I need your help to help me make it better!

I love each and every one of my dedicated readers!! ❤❤❤

Alright...question time.......

Question: What is your favorite song off of the FOUR album??

Mine is "Night Changes" :)

Anywho...I can't wait to hear back from ya'll!

Stay sassy!!!

-Brittney ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2015 ⏰

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