Sitting on the hardwood floor and watching her Pa read—to himself, not even to them—doesn't sound like the entertainment a woman Mae's age would enjoy.

Maybe Mae doesn't enjoy it and she just doesn't get a choice?

Mr. Mallory would at least give his wife something to sit on, right? Molly isn't as old as Mr. Mallory, but she by no means should be getting up and down from the floor at her age, let alone sitting on the hardwood floor without any type of padding.

Molly is older than my parents and Dad never lets Mom down on the floor without an army of pillows to support her.

"You're a lot more quiet than you used to be. I think you've adapted to life on the ranch," Teague pokes, a smile on his lips.

I chuckle and shrug, knowing he is right. I have gotten a lot more reserved. I guess I've just gotten used to it.

Only Mae and Molly talk pleasantries, everyone else pretty much keeps to themselves unless they need something, or if they are really tired of the solitude, but that's not often.

"I never thought I'd like it as much as I do. Waking up with the sun and spending the day out on the ranch? Best damn thing I've ever done."

"Have you thought about a submissive?" I look to Mom, taking note of Father's pointed look. Father doesn't usually harass me about my future sub, but Mom just wants me to have someone special and I appreciate that.

I think every dominant thinks about a submissive. There are plenty of days I long to be able to go home and be greeted by a pretty sub who's made dinner and wants to have sex.

The truth though is that the ranch isn't a place for submissives.

"Whenever I think about it, it just always comes back to the fact that the ranch isn't right for a sub. I don't mind living in a one room quarters, but I don't think a submissive would share the sentiment.

"Submissives deserve comforts in life and I don't make enough to buy a house and tons of furniture and pretty jewelry and clothing, all that stuff."

"Well... you could just get a small house and not all submissives expect to have nice things. I didn't when I met your father—"

"Leah—" Father warns softly. She whimpers in complaint, but listens.

"She would have to live on the ranch, Mom, she'd never see me any other way. It wouldn't be fair to her. Even if we lived on the ranch and had a nice house, there isn't anyone really to talk to..."

"Doesn't your boss have a wife and daughter?" Father asks, he isn't pushing for me to get a submissive, just curious now.

"Molly and Mae? Yeah... Mr. Mallory isn't doing good, it's any day now to be honest that he... I don't know how long Molly and Mae are going to be on the ranch.

"There are a lot of things going on with who's getting the inheritance. Mae has an older brother who left a few years ago, some drug addict. He probably is going to get the ranch and everything..."

"I'm surprised he wouldn't just leave everything to Mae and Molly... it wouldn't be my first choice either because I don't want my submissive to have to rely on herself, but just giving them away to any dominant isn't the best choice either..." Father says absentmindedly, petting his lip.

"I kind of understand why he has to give his inheritance to a dominant, Molly and Mae don't deal with money besides to buy groceries. Even then, they have to get their shopping list approved and ask Mr. Mallory for money." Me and Mr. Mallory are the only ones who know the code for his safe.

Mr. Mallory doesn't like credit cards, so he keeps a safe of cash to give to the girls when they go out shopping. Just encase the girls needed something and he was working, Mr. Mallory told me the safe combination.

"He sounds very controlling," Mom says, curling into Dad's side. She seems uncomfortable with that and that's a lot coming from my mother who was raised very conservatively.

"He is... I think he's good to them though. I've never seen so much as a bruise on either of them and they don't act afraid... I think they just have old ways. Out on the ranch there isn't anyone to influence them to be more modern," I shrug.

Mom kisses Dad's cheek and he looks down at her with a confused expression. After a second he pulls her to straddle him and they start to make out.

I make a face, still disgusted by watching my parents kiss. I know in the back of my mind that something like this lead to me and Teague being conceived.

Their clothes are still on, but I don't wait for that to change. Me and Teague head to the kitchen and share a drink.

The InheritanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin