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-months later-

Rain was pattering down the onto the ground and sliding down the window- the same window Derek and Y/n had been poised at,watching the rain. Dereks hands were clenched in his pockets- one pocket the one that held a small velvety ring box. Now was the perfect time to propose- he knew that, he'd seen it all the time in those romance stories.
But how did someone go about doing that? Did they just pull out the ring and go, "will you marry me?" Or wait for the other person to talk first? There were so many question that left unanswered for Derek, all of which left his heart hammering in his chest, but the biggest unanswered question was, will she even say yes?

"Y/n..." Derek said suddenly, and his beautiful girlfriend turned to look at him. He was sweating, it was obvious, but he didn't care; this was his moment of bravado. He whipped the ring-box out of his pocket so fast that Y/N couldn't make out what it was, and rapidly changed his position from sitting on the couch to kneeling on the floor with the box in his hands. Y/n'a eyes widened and her mouth gasped as Derek sputtered "i love you so so much, and i know we both know I'm not the best speaker in the world but i really see a future with you and- and i knew from day one you were the one, my soulmate. I was stupid years ago and left you for Anne or-or Mariana but I never felt the same with them as I felt with you. You gave me butterflies, sparks EVERYTHING. You were only 14 back than but.. you showed me more love then everyone else, that's what made me fall for you. You're so beautiful and the way ur hair glows and your eyes spark when you get surprised, or how you start sweating and cracking ur fingers- can't stay in one place when ur nervous. I find it adorable." He sniffed wiping a tear that escaped his eyes. " I love you and I want to spread the rest of my life with you. Y/n Morris, will you marry me?"

Y/n had her hand cupped over her mouth to try and hide her shock. But Derek could see from her eyes that she was smiling. Slowly, her head bobbed up and down(DIRTY MIND I KNOW) in a nod, and she kneeled down, pushed the ring box down a bit, and kissed her now-fiancé wiring for him to slide the ring on her finger.

"Yes I will"

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