Writing Prompt Sixty Two

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Choose one of your ocs and a personality trait they exhibit. Write a scenario where this trait positively benefits them, and a scenario in which it doesn't.

For example, Frogpaw is very loyal. In one scenario, Frogpaw's friend is accused of sneaking off to steal kittypet food in leafbare. He is punished by exile, told to live as a kittypet if he wants to be one so badly. Frogpaw, deeply loyal to his friend, chooses to follow him into exile. In exile, the two find out through the kittypet grapevine that twolegs are planning on building on part of the Clan's territory. Frogpaw and his friend return to their Clan and warn them of this plan, giving them time to flee and find a safe home. In this situation, Frogpaw's loyalty helps him stand up in the face of injustice and ultimately save his Clan. But when out in another scenario, Frogpaw's loyalty could be his downfall. A mysterious stranger infiltrated Frogpaw's Clan, acting as one of them before declaring a rebellion and driving the Clan out, saying those who are loyal to him can stay with him, Frogpaw chose to stay with him, aiding in the destruction of his Clan due to his loyalty, unquestionably following orders.

This writing prompt is a good exercise and it helps you to develop your understanding of your character and how they might react in certain situations. It fleshes them out and makes them seem real by exploring the duality of a particular trait, and how circumstances can determine a character's actions. Have fun and keep writing!

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